Quantum tunneling volume control and resistors

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The doughnuts are made of clouds of,

Jelly beans,
Anyway I put tiny doughnut on the outside of a Carbon nanotube (CNT) and it can roll into its centre and travel along the tube, then I stretch it out until it is long and thin ,this is how I see charge being transferred across the tube, as it moves along its front edge turns in towards the CNT no problems.The inside stuff is layed down by the outside stuff rolling over it,a three dimensional tank track sort of.(phew)
I got to go feed the birds(don,t ask),back later.
edit] ps Hi Sy
The problem with real (as opposed to theoretical) CNTs is that they exist as intractable clumps of entangled fibers mixed with graphitic and amorphous contaminants. In one survey of commercially available CNTs, it was reported that many of them didn't even contain 60% carbon!

The ones I've been using are Graphistrength from Arkema. They are claimed to be more than 90% CNT, but they are still not really nano- they look like multi-micron-scale Brillo pads. Dispersion of them results in furry fragments rather than disentangled CNT.
Brillo pads,nano Brillo pads!

How much do they cost,no don't answer that.I guess I'm better off with models & pretty pictures....
So I can see my stretched doughnut moving along a perfect CNT,and then imagine it trying to do the same thing with a massive(relatively) copper wire.Trouble.The stuff at the front has to move at right angles to the wire to move from the outside to the inside.
Now I'm in a 3d world of solid copper( mostly empty except for my doughnut cloud of electrons)all of which have to interact with each other sideways for the charge to move from one point to another.
It'l Never work.,
At the moment Quantum Tunnelling seems more natural to me than wires.
Confused I am,any way I'm off for a tinnie
Max Albin

To those with no alternative,through my toes is what I mean't.
Anyway,Hope Springs etc,
I blame google,the stuff about CNTs I think relates more to MWCNTs.The Carbon is out,of my head at least.
Bring in the propellors.......!
Enough already
I listened through it some more,more problems.What do call someone who knows there must be a difference and can't hear it.
Cloth Eared...1/GE..
Max Albin
ps Bear I tried to squish one and couldn't,only my weight 13 stones old money.
hot cup of tea anyone!

For those who may be confused,refered to Douglas Adams "infinate improbability drive".
I'm quite certain the probability of an electron tunneling is inversely proportional to two people nearly agreeing to something on this forum
regards Max Albin.
edit> ps my logic is probably flawed,but so was I when I fell off my chair.
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thinking aside

I wondered If one could use a couple of Peratech pills to Quantum Tunnel through an insulator.A plastic film,or maybe a piece of paper.
So I tried it.
I thought It worked really well,1st with some really thin mylar film,& then some Siver Rizla(small).
Regards Max Albin.
edit ps Have a go yourself.
pps Ahh! 3d telly,got to find the spex.
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conductors conduct but!

I`m back inside a copper wire looking at the electron jelly beans and think, what traps them here,how strong are the bars in this cell,how to escape?.At the surface perhaps,maybe the ones there have a bit more freedom,those guys can surf the wave(or be pushed by the wind)electromagnetically speaking.The electrons in the middle have no chance,they crash and burn big time.The faster you want to transfer charge, the nearer the surface you got to be.Inside a QT pill there is more surface,ie more surfable electrons.
regards Max.
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Max Albin, no offence but you make Stee sound smart :eek: Take one of them pills you got, sleep this off and come back fully rested and thoroughly cleansed of whatever it is that you're high on since the start of this year (?!).

If they contain charcoal they should absorb some of the nasties from your intestinal tract (that's some useful nanotechnology for you right there).
Give me somothat crack

I`m sure I`m high on electrons.
however "skin effect" has existed for a while.Heaviside also said "we reverse this".I have to throw stones at the log lady.
regards Max
ps> Neil Young
pps> "just gimme some truth"


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