Quantum tunneling volume control and resistors

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bear said:
what exactly do they do with it in video games and especially electronic musical instruments (I thought they were all digital these days)??


They may be, but the input from a musician or player is analog. The units I designed would translate pressure into a digital signal output to determine the loudness of a note (or drum strike) or to detect aftertouch. For video games, one often wants to translate pressure into a character attribute (like speed or tilt). If you've used the pressure buttons in an Xbox or played a DrumKat, you'll know what I mean. Aftertouch in electronic pianos is almost universally done with conductive rubber strips.
SY said:
Guess what: carbon black is nano! "Nano" is almost as abused as "all natural" is in food packaging.

Typically, a few different fillers are thrown in to get the pressure/resistivity curve to be the right scale; carbon black for structure factor, metal particles to get the right resistivity. As the particles move closer together under strain, the resistivity drops. It's reversible as long as you don't reach the plastic deformation limit of the rubber.

Recordings exist of Mahler himself playing a piano that recorded with a paper roll and carbon rods I think.
why bother then

F*rst things f*rst, never ever post when p*ssed,apologies.
Somewhere out there I read something about switch contacts.
Metal to Metal contact isn't perfect,conduction depends on,,,Quantum tunnelling,,,always.So a Peratech pill is just lots and lots of theoretical(actually real)hermetically sealed umm switch contacts,at least that's how I thought,think.
Maybe I should have remembered earlier.
ps Sy, sorry for snippy reply
Max Albin
except that

If you start with components (nano particulate nickel)more able to facilitate tunneling you might get a better outcome,spikey surface meets spikey surface.It's somehow better than(apparently smooth against smooth)It's like injecting electrons
who knows,surf.
Max Albin
It's not tunneling, really, it's percolation. Carbon black has a higher structure factor than nickel (or just about any other metal), hence its popularity for this application. In some of my work, I combined carbon black with semiconductive metal oxides to get the desired response; there's a pretty broad range of things you can compound in there.

The percolation in these filled rubbers is one of the reasons for the excess noise and nonlinearity.
Sy sigh

You haven't even looked at the website,have you?
I think of the process involving tunneling as being concerned with a certain uncertaincy.The maths appears to be concrete(Barrier)The electrons aren't so sure.They think they know where they are,but then they're not.They docedy do with each other,ballistic conduction?I can't keep squeezed jelly beans out of my head either
Max Albin http://www.peratech.com/qtcmaterial.php
help needed

Just thinkin aloud.Electrons interact with each other in 3dimensions+time,I think of wire in only 2dimensions(point to point)in terms of how we use it anyway.But wire is really solid 3 dimensional stuff and is therefore pretty useless at guiding electronic interaction.My problem is then,,,,I'm not sure.
Perhaps someone could explain how carbon nanotubes work

A bit space cadet,but it's doin' my head in
Max Albin
ps I,m not trying to be a prat,I am one
pps Hold the phone,I just found a website.
That's some disconnected thoughts and mistaken notions. Sorry.

First, electrons are indistinguishable. You can't say "this electron was here and is now over there." You can talk about the flow of charge because that's statistical.

Second, there's all sorts of 1 and 2 d behavior of electrons and other charge carriers.

Third, CNT-containing materials conduct electricity the same way as any other filled material- percolation.

Fourth, charge transport within CNTs is pretty straightforward and not nearly as exotic as, say, soliton charge transport in polyacetylene.

Fifth, all of this is irrelevant to plain old conductive rubber, the product these guys are selling.

Sixth, wire is very three dimensional unless you've found wire with zero diameter.
By the way, does this look a bit familiar? It's from a patent of mine from about 15 years ago. Hmmm, goes open circuit with no pressure, then drops to a couple hundred ohms with increasing force...


  • fsr curve.jpg
    fsr curve.jpg
    17.6 KB · Views: 412
I really appreciate any reply

In quick response,I want to connect my disconnections with my corrected mistaken notions,see above.
I think slow,and type slower,both together is a nonstarter.I got to go off and think.
If you swap electron interaction for charge flow I would get my drift better,
I can't even think about 1 & 2 d electron behavior but it's it's 3d stuff thats bugging me
charge transport within CNTs is good,anything more a bonus.
Wire,s 3 dimensionality WRT moving charge from one point to another is my problem(I think)
Zero diameter wire sounds good to me.
The bloody rubber is what's caused my problem.How does it change it's resistance sooo much?
Max Albin
Filler, that's how. You fill the thing with conductive particles (and there's all kinds of those- my devices used a mix of carbon black and tin oxide). The rubber is just a matrix and itself is nonconductive. As the particles get closer and closer, they either touch, with greater compression equaling more particles touching and the electron flow is direct from particle to particle, or they come sufficiently close that the charge can hop from one conductive island to another. I suppose you could call that tunneling, but percolation is more accurate.
The old style coffee makers that you sit on a stove and have a glass bubble on top, water on the bottom, a "straw" (usually aluminum) through a basket containing the coffee grounds were percolators. The hot water on the bottom when heated, pushed itself up through the straw, into the glass top (mainly for visual effect) and then back down through the coffee, round and round... the liquid pulsated up through the straw (tube), percolated.

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