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I remember reading a claim on a forum (I think this one) that cat's can detect high voltage fields through their whiskers. Does anyone have any evidence to suggest this claim is factually based or mere myth. Reference to any published scientific papers would be most appreciated.

The main reason that I ask is that my friendly feline delights in taunting me :darkside: by chewing through cables with various degrees of success; however they are always ones which carry low voltages - to date, two ipad charger outputs, one laptop charger output, two interconnects and a speaker cable.

To date he hasn't touched a live 240 AC cable, even if relatively thin and flimsy.

My cat has taken to chewing cords lately. She never did it until one night I was sitting here,and the left channel in my headphones went dead.."What the..?" She had chewed through the cord for the left channel. I get out the heat shrink,fire up the soldering iron,and get it repaired.
Sit back down,about 30 seconds later the right channel goes out,she's back,and chewed through that one now.
She's lucky she's cute. Such a pest.
. They are smarter than you think. They crave electrons, but not too many at a time.

Pano, I think you might be onto something. He may be trying to replace the electrons I deplete from his coat every time i brush him, rendering him in in a cationic state.

Could be that the best solution is to place a negative ion generator close to all battery chargers and audio equipment. :D
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cat's can detect high voltage fields through their whiskers. Does anyone have any evidence to suggest this claim is factually based or mere myth.

About 30 years ago i built a pair of electrostatic speakers. At their maiden journey into the sound room my cat came and stood transfixed at the strange looking things producing sounds. It had already turned the grilles of my JBLs into claw-sharpening stations and i was quite apprehensive that something bad would happen to the electrostats.

As the cat approached them with a raised pink nose filled with curiosity i could see an almost centimeter long discharge between uninsulated stator and pink nose.

Cat developed lasting memories from this incident and probably a better understanding of electricity. It never again harmed another speaker.

So, i guess this myth is busted. Or do we need a repeat and Youtube evidence?

Or maybe use a pussy this time? :)
I think Jamie and Adam would demand several replicate tests using various types of :censored: before coming to a definitive conclusion. I'm sure Grant could fabricate some kind of fiendish test device specially for the occasion. Could become a Youtube sensation :D
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We used to have 2 cats. The male (named Fat Cat for obvious reasons) was rather DUMMMMM. It took him about 10 years to figure out that attempting to chase the birds that landed on the other side of the large glass door gave him a rather instant headache. Maybe he never learned....just grew too old to chase birds. The female figured out rather quickly that she could never catch the red dot from a laser, and the humans always laughed at her trying, but Fat Cat never learned.

I was constantly finding teeth marks in speaker wires, guitar cords and interconnects, but only once did I find teeth marks in a power cord.

My cat has taken to chewing cords lately.

I trained both cats as kittens not to come into this room. Wife and kids too. There are all sorts of ways to break things or get fried in here. How? Cat Repellent! I used an ordinary spray bottle set for a stream filled with water. When a kitten would try to sneak in, zap, a blast of water in the face would convince them to go away. It took Fat Cat about a year to learn, but he would sit by the door and watch....until I plugged in a guitar....then both cats are under the couch in the other end of the house.
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My cat is fine. He doesn't do anything he shouldn't. Coolest cat in the Universe...

Curtis Rocks!

My kids on the other hand chew through the same LV cords. Ipod chargers, Wii nun-chucks, earphone / headphones, etc.

As mentioned, the Good Lord made them Cute to ensure their survival.

Now I remember hearing that a Cat's whiskers are exactly his width, so if he can get through a hole with whiskers outstreched, he can enter....Urban Folklore?
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