Pure audio classic technique

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All this forum and other forums is clogged for garbage audio schemes -made sources of current and how unclean. Therefore, all the diagrams are the audio quality of the toy.
I know that in other countries the word weights and that is why people believe in what you write and
is well as long good as one does so true.
This electronic scheme is an key to the classic clean technology and it is important to correct the electronic assembly, and good power.


  • V Icd.GIF
    V Icd.GIF
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Perhaps someone debugging a random phrase generator?

Not a problem generated phase, but is to verify that a random phase generation is the cause of poor installation and power supply.
In my designs random generation of the phase does not exist.
This Adorn needs to be ADORNED for his NON SENSE.......

You can have a laugh, because on the electronic schematic drawings I present classic simple rules and and clear audio technology and this can not be something to laugh at and even more nonsense.
The people who deny the technique wants to know this for himself.
In one drawing I gave the key to the audio pure classical technique.
In this way we can make ourselves the best audio and better projects that are on the board.
For the best techniques normally do not see much interest, because the schemes to be calculated-amp to convert others, and available for purchase transistors?
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