Pumpkin preamp - ordered by Steen , official making thread

Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
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jacco vermeulen said:
Suka means dog.

(a Lakota native american referring to himself as a Sioux is like an Afro-Amerikanski calling himself a Nig**)

The HS are soo sexy.
You working again, ya lazy bum?


sometimes - living in society - means that dogs are supreme beings ... so I'm Negro Dog ..... whatever ........

anyway - what you mean with "working again" ........ I'm always working , and I'm always having fun - freelancer , remember ?
Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
Paid Member
jacco vermeulen said:

Yeah, you fit in.
In your ancestor language there's no specific word for Horse either, they calls it Power Dog.

when and if you decide to rotate your brain to torrentissimus , try to find (or you can always find nicely packaged origigi ) Northern Exposure

fine way to engage hēdonē gray cells ;

I'm Moose , too ....... :rofl:

Re: Re: Re: Inductor DIY

zettelsm said:

Thanks Mr. Magura -- that is the problem though, I am too dumb to know what specs are important right now (DCR obviously) or what kind of mH makes sense for I and E of a given power supply.

What I would like to do is wind myself some inductors to use with the Pumpkin Shunty preamp. Longer term, I would like to learn enough so that I can properly size and build inductors for tube power supplies. . .

I dont want someone to just give me the answer, I would like to learn how to figure out the answer myself.

Steve Z


Well, to be able to help you, we gotta limit your question a bit.

If you want to make inductors for your pumpkin, fine be it :)

I would suggest a CLC filter of 10.000uF-5mH-10.000uF.

Now we gotta figure if we want dual supplies, or common supply for both channels.

Next, what sort of wattage are we looking at here?

Then we go on to making the respective trade-offs, of loss VS. size VS. cost.

The last step of actually winding the little critter, is the pretty much defined by the above:cool:

Magura :)
Re: Re: Re: Re: Inductor DIY

Magura said:

Well, to be able to help you, we gotta limit your question a bit.

If you want to make inductors for your pumpkin, fine be it :)

I would suggest a CLC filter of 10.000uF-5mH-10.000uF.

Now we gotta figure if we want dual supplies, or common supply for both channels.

Next, what sort of wattage are we looking at here?

Then we go on to making the respective trade-offs, of loss VS. size VS. cost.

The last step of actually winding the little critter, is the pretty much defined by the above:cool:

Magura :)

Well, thanks!

Here are some of the parameters --

dual mono power supplies

wattage: I will have to go back through some of the posts. I think we are taking about about 40VA a channel (guessing)

trade-offs: (most important to least): loss, size, cost

Question: (betraying the true depths of my ignorance about power supply chokes) Is it possible to use a choke with ZMs existing boards, inserting it where he left an "opening" in the power supply section before the regulator circuitry?

Thanks in advance for the lesson, Magura-san! :)

Steve Z
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Inductor DIY

zettelsm said:

Well, thanks!

Here are some of the parameters --

dual mono power supplies

wattage: I will have to go back through some of the posts. I think we are taking about about 40VA a channel (guessing)

trade-offs: (most important to least): loss, size, cost

Question: (betraying the true depths of my ignorance about power supply chokes) Is it possible to use a choke with ZMs existing boards, inserting it where he left an "opening" in the power supply section before the regulator circuitry?

Thanks in advance for the lesson, Magura-san! :)

Steve Z

Ok, so we want to make those inductors real big. For 40W you can get away with 0.42mm magnet wire, but for low DCR, simply go all the way and use 1.9mm, this should give you a DCR around 0.5 (rough estimation). 1.9mm wire is the treshold in my book, where itt turns too cumbersome to do the winding. If bigger wire is required, simply use several runs.

Now run the numbers in this little nifty application


5mh, 1.9mm wire, and simply play around with the other factors till you get the lowest DCR.

As for the shunty boards, they are CRCRC, so just replace the first R with L :cool:

Once you have this figured, the rest is a purely mechanical challenge ;)

Magura :)
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Inductor DIY

zettelsm said:

trade-offs: (most important to least): loss, size, cost

Steve Z

Zen Mod said:
Magura - ya nutz

Naah, just trying to meet his target:D

Once he becomes more familiar with winding, bifilar wound air cores would be the ticket.

Anyhow, the real easy solution would be ferrite core, like used for SMPS, those can carry like 1A a piece, offers like 3mH for the size of a 5W resistor. Cost like 1 ot 2 USD, so 2 in parallel should cut it.

.......but he wanted to wind his own, and he wanted low DCR :cool:

Magura :)
Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
Paid Member
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Inductor DIY

Magura said:

Naah, just trying to meet his target:D

Once he becomes more familiar with winding, bifilar wound air cores would be the ticket.

Anyhow, the real easy solution would be ferrite core, like used for SMPS, those can carry like 1A a piece, offers like 3mH for the size of a 5W resistor. Cost like 1 ot 2 USD, so 2 in parallel should cut it.

.......but he wanted to wind his own, and he wanted low DCR :cool:

Magura :)

anyway - he can look for SP300B posts - he made common mode chokes for Shunty ; they are easy visible on pics