Project for 1010VA 37.5V transformer?

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For some reason, I'm thinking that there were one or more devices in that amp that had been discontinued. Please check (if nothing else, my memory may be at fault) before investing a lot of money. Even if something's been dropped, you can very likely substitute another part, but it'd be best to know ahead of time.


20% losses seems to be very high for good transformers and why not a step down switched mode power supply to reduce the voltage without high power losses? Take care of transient response and be happy...


You're in debt with me about that beer...

yeah blmn
losses are only about 5-7%
Didn't know my father has a friend doing metalworking...
huge heatsinks may be an eventuality as he's doing welding and fabrication of industrial machines...
Anyone has a schematic of Aleph 2 or 4's case? I'll try and see if I can get him to do one. Probably cost me a bomb tho.

Still, I believe the 2nd stepdown transformer would work... saw what looked like one in an old kenwood amp. Tiny one not more than 3cm square.
I am blessed with a medical condition that ensures that I am perpetually thirsty...
The commercial Alephs were basically cubes with large heatsinks for the four sides, capped by sheet metal. There are pictures here and there on the web--some at the Pass Labs site if you dig around.

More 1010VA questions

Well, I had just ordered 2 of these also, when I stumbled on this thread. I'm planning to use them for a Son of Zen-see Pass forum.

The guy at Apex jr. said he had measured the voltage output
at 37.5 v UNDER NO LOAD. My understanding is that transformers are usually rated under their rated load, ie putting out 1 kva. My hope was that under the load of the class A amp, the voltage will drop down a bit to about 33 volts, which is what
is right for the SOZ

So the first question is: What do you guesstimate this transformer would be putting out if rated by the manufacturer?

Second: It apparently has 4 outputs-My assumption is that
I could parallel 2 of each to produce a plus and minus output. Is this true?

Help - I'm pretty ignorant!

Mark Cronander
Well, that's pretty sad. At least my shipping is cheaper than yours!

I DO have a Variac for each channel, so I can turn down the volts.

(thus my name)

I assume that the current that the trans can handle remains the same?

So, the current (no pun) question is:

The transformer is rated 1000VA-at 37 volts that isn't enough current capacity for a SOZ!!

If I turn down the supply voltage, will that ratio improve?, or
does the current handling of the trans decrease proportionally?

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