Productivity is today's buzzword. Is it ok for me to be content to survive on next to nothing? Am I being productive enough?
It is perfectly fine to do whatever you want to do. That is how I live my life and anyone who tells me that I'm not working hard enough for a house that I will someday own when I'm 101 is dreaming and is stuck in the rut of corporate controlled mass mind control.
If everyone decided to settle down and have 3 kids and own a home we would all be stuffed by 2020 anyway. We are already right now grossly overpopulated and heavily polluted. nobody can afford a home let alone raise 3 kids on a single or even dual income. The american dream is dead, that is the new lifestyle. Minimalism and survivalism and having no kids or just 1 (at most 2) is the new way forward. Corporations love to tell you to have kids because it means that they get more slave workers, its better for them financially. Don't listen to big corporations, they will completely destroy the planet just for another dollar and will gladly go to the grave knowing that they destroyed the entire planet and all of our futures for greed.
People who tell you to be more productive just for money are forgetting the fact that when we all die we all give it away to either our kids or to the banks/tax man. That kind of thinking is psychotic.
I find it rediculously crazy to think that you can spend your entire life making money and wasting your life working and enjoy life in your retirement, life is here and its now. Its not 80 years away. Besides they will just end up raising the retirement age again anyway.
The sad thing about all of this is that no one is going to stop the corporate drones from going to work and no one is going to stop the corporations themselves directly. Its all a system which has to crash on its own.
You can't keep breeding and working and destroying the petri dish that you live in, eventually you'll run out of resources or get so overcrowded that your nose will rub up against the edge of the dish, and you'll still be paying rent.
So no, productivity doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things, just get yourself a piece of land and build your own house and be happy with dvd's and blurays and a wife that loves you.
If everyone decided to settle down and have 3 kids and own a home we would all be stuffed by 2020 anyway. We are already right now grossly overpopulated and heavily polluted. nobody can afford a home let alone raise 3 kids on a single or even dual income. The american dream is dead, that is the new lifestyle. Minimalism and survivalism and having no kids or just 1 (at most 2) is the new way forward. Corporations love to tell you to have kids because it means that they get more slave workers, its better for them financially. Don't listen to big corporations, they will completely destroy the planet just for another dollar and will gladly go to the grave knowing that they destroyed the entire planet and all of our futures for greed.
People who tell you to be more productive just for money are forgetting the fact that when we all die we all give it away to either our kids or to the banks/tax man. That kind of thinking is psychotic.
I find it rediculously crazy to think that you can spend your entire life making money and wasting your life working and enjoy life in your retirement, life is here and its now. Its not 80 years away. Besides they will just end up raising the retirement age again anyway.
The sad thing about all of this is that no one is going to stop the corporate drones from going to work and no one is going to stop the corporations themselves directly. Its all a system which has to crash on its own.
You can't keep breeding and working and destroying the petri dish that you live in, eventually you'll run out of resources or get so overcrowded that your nose will rub up against the edge of the dish, and you'll still be paying rent.
So no, productivity doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things, just get yourself a piece of land and build your own house and be happy with dvd's and blurays and a wife that loves you.
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The term productivity when used in the economic sense is pretty meaningless - like most of economics. No one ever queries what exactly it means of how it's supposed to relate to the real world.
Productivity is today's buzzword. Is it ok for me to be content to survive on next to nothing? Am I being productive enough?
With a one line opening post you shouldn`t worry too much.
Having spent 41 years of my life working in the corporate world, productivity was always the buzz word and once Visicalc -> Lotus 123 -> Excel came into the corporate world, the spreadsheet pushers took over. It seems that every year or two a new batch of idiots would gain control of that world and come up with a new way for us all to become more "productive."
The Wall Street Wizards gained control of the company and decided that breaking a large vertically integrated company up into pieces, then selling off the pieces for fun and "stockholder" profit was "productive." On the spreadsheet it was.....for a while. When you shed almost 100,000 employees over 10 years the numbers look good.....but then you suddenly realize that you don't have the resources to "invent the state of the art" that the company always excelled in.
Then a new batch of efficiency experts come in and decide that all the support groups were unnecessary. I worked in a research group. I designed and built prototypes to test and prove out new concepts and parts. I could lay out a PC board and get it made in house. Simple two layer boards in a few hours. A 4 layer board in a day. A multi layer HDI board took two or three days. When it was time to place parts on those SMD boards, we had our own prototype assembly line. I could get a mechanical engineer to do the CAD work for a complex aluminum housing and have it CNC machined in house. When I needed parts, leaded or SMD, there was an in house stockroom one building away on the same campus. If I needed a complex test run on an Automated Test Equipment station, that was in house too. The spreadsheet pushers decided that these groups were unnecessary and POOF, all gone, everyone laid off. The pictures show a one off 120 watt mobile radio prototype I designed. EVERYTHING was build in house. That fancy housing was CNC carved from a single chunk of aluminum, as was the lid. Powder house. The PC boards were made in house, and populated on state of the art auto place machines. Software, written in house.
Whenever a new generation of efficiency experts took control we would often have to do presentations to justify our jobs. The people who lived at the computer had nothing that the "experts" would understand to show for their work, so they spent several unproductive days making pretty Powerpoint presentations. I would simply walk into the room and drop that 15 pound radio prototype loudly on a table and state.....I build things to prove that these other engineers really know what they are doing, any questions? I lasted 41 years, well past my corporate expiration date, and actually liked my job, but could see the end of the fun coming up quickly.
All of that is gone, the 5 building campus has been sold, and there are maybe 300 of the 5000 employees left in a small corner leased from the new owners. I was offered a buyout at the time this last "downsizing" happened, and I left. The company name lives on, but in many cases it has new owners.
A company that once employed 140,000 people now has about 18,000 and most of them are overseas......but the stock price is doing great!
Speaking of productivity....I'm going to step away from the internet, and go build something....bye now!
The Wall Street Wizards gained control of the company and decided that breaking a large vertically integrated company up into pieces, then selling off the pieces for fun and "stockholder" profit was "productive." On the spreadsheet it was.....for a while. When you shed almost 100,000 employees over 10 years the numbers look good.....but then you suddenly realize that you don't have the resources to "invent the state of the art" that the company always excelled in.
Then a new batch of efficiency experts come in and decide that all the support groups were unnecessary. I worked in a research group. I designed and built prototypes to test and prove out new concepts and parts. I could lay out a PC board and get it made in house. Simple two layer boards in a few hours. A 4 layer board in a day. A multi layer HDI board took two or three days. When it was time to place parts on those SMD boards, we had our own prototype assembly line. I could get a mechanical engineer to do the CAD work for a complex aluminum housing and have it CNC machined in house. When I needed parts, leaded or SMD, there was an in house stockroom one building away on the same campus. If I needed a complex test run on an Automated Test Equipment station, that was in house too. The spreadsheet pushers decided that these groups were unnecessary and POOF, all gone, everyone laid off. The pictures show a one off 120 watt mobile radio prototype I designed. EVERYTHING was build in house. That fancy housing was CNC carved from a single chunk of aluminum, as was the lid. Powder house. The PC boards were made in house, and populated on state of the art auto place machines. Software, written in house.
Whenever a new generation of efficiency experts took control we would often have to do presentations to justify our jobs. The people who lived at the computer had nothing that the "experts" would understand to show for their work, so they spent several unproductive days making pretty Powerpoint presentations. I would simply walk into the room and drop that 15 pound radio prototype loudly on a table and state.....I build things to prove that these other engineers really know what they are doing, any questions? I lasted 41 years, well past my corporate expiration date, and actually liked my job, but could see the end of the fun coming up quickly.
All of that is gone, the 5 building campus has been sold, and there are maybe 300 of the 5000 employees left in a small corner leased from the new owners. I was offered a buyout at the time this last "downsizing" happened, and I left. The company name lives on, but in many cases it has new owners.
A company that once employed 140,000 people now has about 18,000 and most of them are overseas......but the stock price is doing great!
Speaking of productivity....I'm going to step away from the internet, and go build something....bye now!
It seems that every year or two a new batch of idiots would gain control of that world and come up with a new way for us all to become more "productive."
I went through the same thing x10 when I had a "career." It is very demoralizing to the employee and very counterproductive too.
The Wall Street Wizards gained control of the company and decided that breaking a large vertically integrated company up into pieces, then selling off the pieces for fun and "stockholder" profit was "productive."
I worked at the exchanges downtown Chicago (CBOT and CME) and this is EXACTLY their definition of productive. And it hasn't changed.
"Wall Street Wizards" LMAO if their life depended on cracking an egg, they'd starve to death.
Whenever a new generation of efficiency experts took control we would often have to do presentations to justify our jobs. The people who lived at the computer had nothing that the "experts" would understand to show for their work, so they spent several unproductive days making pretty Powerpoint presentations
The finance industry is exactly the same. And good luck explaining your job to these eggheads. You might as well explain relativity to a cat. If they eliminate you, then they win - that's the game.
A company that once employed 140,000 people now has about 18,000 and most of them are overseas......but the stock price is doing great
That's all that matters. There's only a two year horizon because the eggheads don't think of companies or corporations as productive entities; they think of them as "assets" to be manipulated for maximum short term profit. Sometimes the only thing they care about is the client list.
I remember the final slaughter. People had been crying at work for the last three months. They didn't even bother to clean the blood off the floor. People were devastated and most of them never recovered. I was so frikkin glad to be out of there. When they called for my head on the chopping block I went smiling.
they think of them as "assets" to be manipulated
Sometimes the companies themselves are not the actual assets. I took a picture of my cheap smartphone. The only real "asset" that was traded there was that shiny red trademark symbol, and it's reputation. It used to belong to a large Chicago based corporation that INVENTED the cell phone. That trademark is now owned by the Chinese computer company Lenovo (the small print on the screen).
Google bought the cell phone division, kept the patents, then sold the trademark along with the liabilities (people and buildings) to Lenovo who kept what they wanted and disposed of the rest. All the US based development and engineering staff were laid off.
Still, when it was time to replace my 5 year old Samsung Note 2 phone, the Lenovorola (as we called them) was $179 new, Samsungs $$$$. It does work good too.
They are more likely to sack you to increase their productivity of money.People who tell you to be more productive just for money
Indeed. The system is currently configured to favour short term-ism... No long range thinking. A big error, IMHO....
My happiest day at work was the day I paid my mortgage off.
Knowing I will have a roof over my head whatever happens is comforting.
Knowing I will have a roof over my head whatever happens is comforting.
Sometimes the companies themselves are not the actual assets. I took a picture of my cheap smartphone. The only real "asset" that was traded there was that shiny red trademark symbol, and it's reputation. It used to belong to a large Chicago based corporation that INVENTED the cell phone. That trademark is now owned by the Chinese computer company Lenovo (the small print on the screen).
Oh I know. That's why I have to laugh when I see brand names like Whirlpool. It's the same junk built in the same factory as every other washing machine. Old timer companies were long ago liquidated, with the brand name being the only surviving asset.
I have a Marantz receiver from around 1995 on the shelf. There is nothing Marantz about it. It is generic as can be and will likely be scrapped for parts soon. I don't know who built it but it is quite ordinary. The transformer and heat sink will come in handy I guess.
so true! if someone talks to you about productivity it is usually for her benefit not yours. You may benefit as well, but this is more some sort of correlation - not causality...
Another phrase often used in inappropriate ways, yes indeed.
Can be used in other, non-manipulative ways however, like a productive trip to the restroom for example.
Can be used in other, non-manipulative ways however, like a productive trip to the restroom for example.
Worked my bum off for 37 years dedicated to one employer and I'm smiling now. No complaints here. Could be it's a different world out there these days but are you not supposed to produce for your employer?
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Productivity -- a couple examples of what I have been involved with -- we are beginning to use LED radiators to replace mercury lamps. Our trick is to develop the right pharmacoepia of polymers, photo-initiators and additives which will cross-link under a very narrow bandwidth of energy. If you know your calculus, you use a lot less energy in a narrow bandwidth. We have never had an accident with a mercury UV radiator in 15 years of operation, there's just a more productive way of effecting the same result.
The fall of ancient Rome was, among many other things, a failure to adopt more productive agricultural practices. From time of Romulus and Remus until the empire was moved East you could pop a kernel of corn into the Italian soil and it would bear fruit. The Allemani had to be much more creative.
The fall of ancient Rome was, among many other things, a failure to adopt more productive agricultural practices. From time of Romulus and Remus until the empire was moved East you could pop a kernel of corn into the Italian soil and it would bear fruit. The Allemani had to be much more creative.
Oh I know. That's why I have to laugh when I see brand names like Whirlpool. It's the same junk built in the same factory as every other washing machine. Old timer companies were long ago liquidated, with the brand name being the only surviving asset.
So true. What used to be a company that built a quality product in their own factories, is now only a NAME that's built in the same factory(sometimes in China or Mexico) as other similar products.
Things have really changed within the last 10 years or so for the worse.🙁
Productivity -- 50 years ago if you had a hernia operation you'd be laid up in the hospital for a week, these days it's done laporoscopically and you're walking around a few hours later, same with donors of kidneys and liver tissue.
Productivity -- 10 years ago the mortality of children with the cancer my wife researches was 70% within a few months of initial diagnosis. Last year 70% were surviving 3 years after initial diagnosis.
Productivity -- 10 years ago the mortality of children with the cancer my wife researches was 70% within a few months of initial diagnosis. Last year 70% were surviving 3 years after initial diagnosis.
Don't carry stock, this is a non productive way of using money, only buy at the last moment and hope that your supplier can respond immediately.
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