i've changed my project for my new amp from aleph 4, to aleph 5 (heat generation problem...)... now i have a broblem choosing the trasformer: for me is very, very difficult to find a 600+VA toroidal with 25 or 30 V secondaries, i found only 500VA and i don't want to double the power supply (too expensive), do you think 500VA is enough? Any suggestion for alternative solutions?
thank you
i've changed my project for my new amp from aleph 4, to aleph 5 (heat generation problem...)... now i have a broblem choosing the trasformer: for me is very, very difficult to find a 600+VA toroidal with 25 or 30 V secondaries, i found only 500VA and i don't want to double the power supply (too expensive), do you think 500VA is enough? Any suggestion for alternative solutions?
thank you