power handling question

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I wonder if you put 8 ohm resistor @10watt in parallel with a 8 ohm tweeter could the resistor handle putting 60 watts of power going to it?

The tweeter handle a 100w at 8 ohms, I'm looking to drive at 4 ohm with 60 watts. This should work right or am I crazy😱
That makes sense if you have something like a Motorola piezo tweeter .
i suggest you to move in the opposite direction ,which is having maximum efficiency ,and not throwing useful energy in a resistor that would transform it into heat . Also ,putting a resistor in parallel with a driver ,would mimic the effect of an Helmholtz resonator ...😕🙄
which is not the case of a tweeter , even if some have a back chamber ...
It is effectively a capacitor.
This makes it it's own crossover filter.
The piezo tweeter is for up to 100W systems.

The piezo cannot survive 100W of drive. Due to the filter it is handling mW while the amp is delivering W to the main drivers.
Check the datasheet. If you accept 10 % THD, ±18 V give you 22 W into 8 Ohm e.g. the tweeter or 40 W into 4 Ohm, so 20 W into the tweeter (9,1 % less) and 20 W into the resistor (waste). And that does not yet take supply voltage sag into account.
adding a resistor to a Capacitor tweeter changes the response curve.
The resistor can be used to correct a response error/characteristic that the designer does not want/need.
But equally the resistor may introduce a response error that sounds wrong.
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