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Power and Output transformers for sale

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I have a factory for make the transformers

Power Trans with your parameters including amorphe steel cores.

Output transformers, mid and input Push-Pull,SRPP including 1500-2500 Henry amorph steel ,SE - toroidal or w-core.

We may doscuss the price, parameters calculation and other.
time for making and delivery.

Good quality and good price.

Ask me.
Need a replacement transformer

I am looking for a power supply transformer for a bass amplifier. It needs a 120 volt 7 amp primary with two center tapped secondaries. One center tapped secondary for +60 volts and -60 volts ranted at 100 watts into a 8 ohm load. And the second one centered tapped for +85 and -85 volts rated at 300 watts into a 4 ohm load. I need only one transformer. What would my cost be. Please indicate shipping cost also. I live in Michigan at a 48383 zip code. No hurry on the delivery, and the least expensive ground delivery transport available is fine. Thanks,
Need a replacement transformer Post #6
I am looking for a power supply transformer for a bass amplifier. It needs a 120 volt 7 amp primary with two center tapped secondaries. One center tapped secondary for +60 volts and -60 volts ranted at 100 watts into a 8 ohm load. And the second one centered tapped for +85 and -85 volts rated at 300 watts into a 4 ohm load. I need only one transformer. What would my cost be. Please indicate shipping cost also. I live in Michigan at a 48383 zip code. No hurry on the delivery, and the least expensive ground delivery transport available is fine. Thanks,

Let's make more datailing.

We need calculated the power:
1)Two outputs 60-0-60 (100W), the curent os 100/120V(60+60)=0,83 A
2) Two outputs 85-0-85 300W/170 = 1,76 A
3) Total Power 100W+300W = 400W
4) 400W/120V = 3.3 A

What kind of amplifear do you built.
For bass-combo (music) or for hi-fi, high-end amp?

A ask you for what kind of inductance we may calculate.
For low class many forms put 0,8 Tesla
For high-class and speed and attack curent rate and minimilise distortion which will go to a signal way I put 0,4-0,5 Tesla?

What your looking?
W-core Se,PP transformers

It's w-core for sell.

PP,SE and other...

Also I sell toroidal 1kW and more transfpormer.


  • 121100.jpg
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Toroidal transformer

Hi, I'm looking for a toroidal transformer with the following specs:

- dual primary 115 Volt coils (so it can work on both 115 and 230 volt input voltage - coils connected in parallell for 115 Volts, coils in series for 230 volts)

two different centertapped secondary coils:
- Secondary output voltage 1 48-0-48 Volts
- Secondary output voltage 2 12-0-12 Volts

- power rating at least 1000 VA (preferrably around 1200, but 1000 should work fine as well).

What would it cost to buy one of these from you, including shipping to Norway?



looked a little more into the schematic im building and I think I need this.

500VA, 2 x 27-0-27Vrms 120v input.

so 2 centertapped windings please. I would like to avoid a torroid style


best regards

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