power 8004

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Could be...

loss of the opposite supply rail. You should have both + and - 35 out of your power supply rails.
Or, you could have a shorted component upstream of the outputs.
Since it appears to be on both speaker outputs, I'd guess that you lost a power supply rail.
Do not connect any load (speaker or otherwise) to your outputs until you resolve the DC problem.
back to this amp, I have + - 36 volts out
of the rectifiers, no output mosfet is getting
hot. there are 2 set of 4 contacts for the
speakers, the 2 inner contacs are ground, and
the 2 outer contats are speaker +. all the outer
contact have + 35. there are 11 8pins chips
part # tlo72c. any sugestion?
Could be a defective TL072 op amp. Do you have any DC on the outputs of the op amps (pins 1 & 7 on each chip). If the input op amp was delivered a hot signal, it could short resulting in the op amp output going to the supply rail ( either + or - 15V).
here is an image.


  • Picture 654.jpg
    Picture 654.jpg
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