Potentiometer Overview - Alps, Penny+Giles, TKD and Vishay and more, what's your fav?

It's simply impressive! :eek:



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If i am not mistaken there were distinct issues with non-delivery.

I attempted to organize a small group buy when these first appeared back in July. At that time they (Arek) were very responsive to questions and communications and insisted that I should place the order, then they would ship, then I would pay. Obviously I was fine with those terms and placed an order for 20 units in mid August and was given a 1 week production schedule. After that hey told me many stories of problems with production, issues with Paypal, etc, etc, and told me in early September to expect a partial shipment. It never appeared. That was the last I ever really heard from them. I've tried no fewer than 5 times to get an answer from them as to what happened and why I never received anything. I've tried multiple email addresses and even through Audiogon. I'm done chasing them and would never recommend that someone send them $$. Great product (at least at first glance) ultimately let down by awful customer service.
Meeting face to face for must of us is impossible. Maybe you could ask what the deal is with all the delivery and communication issues?

Two or 3 people on an italian forum bought this pot in december (Piero is one of those) and no issue was reported. I think Arek (sp) resolved most of the problems, but of course i'll ask.
It seems to me like some start-up problems.
Two or 3 people on an italian forum bought this pot in december (Piero is one of those) and no issue was reported. I think Arek (sp) resolved most of the problems, but of course i'll ask.
It seems to me like some start-up problems.

The Khozmo one is a great (and impressive) pot! It should be mounted into a glass chassis how cool it looks!

The feeling using it is very good, better than the Elma on the right side of the pic. Compared to the china in the center of the photo, it's simply another world! And sounds also very very good.


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Anyone got any idea about the cost of these Penny & Giles pots?