Portable Speaker Build

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Hello diyAudio!

I am working on creating a portable speaker and am new to this type of work. I have done a decent amount of research on the subject and found that my 4ohm 40watt speaker should ideally be powered by a 60watt amp.

Currently Im using a "mini class D audio" amp in bridge mono mode equalling 30 watts of power at 4ohms. Mini Battery Powered Class D Audio Amplifier

I chose this brand because they are made in America and seem to be of high quality. Any thoughts on sure electronics amp modules?

As of right now I am pretty satisfied with how it sounds and am about to purchase the batteries. Before I do this I would like to consult the diy audio community. Its looks like it is a big no no to pair up a 40watt speaker with a 30 watt amp. It does sound decent but I would like to get the clearest sounds possible. If having a lower wattage amp than speaker will effect the sound quality thats no good for me. I just don't see how it would effect the sound quality. It seems as though it would simply limit the volume and put a bit more strain on the amp.

Another question is am I missing anything? It seems that one just needs a good quality amplifier and speaker. Are there any more pieces to this puzzle?

Thank you for your advice and thoughts in advance,


Thanks for the response. Its good to hear that there are no standards. It seems that many people are adamant about having the amp about 1.5x the power of the speaker. Could you direct me towards some quality literature on this subject?


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