• WARNING: Tube/Valve amplifiers use potentially LETHAL HIGH VOLTAGES.
    Building, troubleshooting and testing of these amplifiers should only be
    performed by someone who is thoroughly familiar with
    the safety precautions around high voltages.

Poll..anyone interested in an Aikido linestage PCB group buy?

Hi Gregg,

Sorry back in the office again. Hardly had 5 mins to myself when I got home.
Hopefully at the weekend I'll have some time. There is a big storm brewing so good excuse to get the iron hot again without the boss complaining too much that I don't give her any attention at home!!

Many thanks for your offer of sending assistance. Were you referring to some diodes?

Where they with these PCB's? Or was it a hardwired version?

What did you like about it?


want to built PS for my preamp 12ax7: ~280vdc
i have 240vac transformer with no center tap
now i have only SS.

can i build this scheme? what is the advantage?


  • Hybrid_Rectifier_With_Backup.gif
    10.4 KB · Views: 395
switching noise? that's it? maybe i don't understand:
A rectifier turns off and on. This creates noise which is mostly filtered out by your power supply caps. So that is probably not what you are hearing

now i have noise, 10mv
The noise is likely a grounding issue.

if the PS power on 1 hour, the B+ is more quiet with the 6z4 for example?
It does not persé make your amp quieter for your ears. It quite hard to explain.

I'll draw something tonight...it is a RRSF. You can do a google for that to do a little research yourself.

RRSF=Reverse Recovery Spike Filter.