Pocket RTA

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Hi All

Has anyone used the program Pocket RTA for the iPhone?

I'd be interested to find out about anyone who has used this and also tested their speakers with a properly calibrated test solution.

The software isn't cheap so would like to hear peoples opinions before I shell out

I have played with it, but not compared it to anything that I know is accurate.
It is a little confusing to use, not terribly flexible, but worked well enough for me to adjust a digital equalizer to flatten some of my room distortion. Sounds a lot better, which is what matters to me, but would make a perfectionist (or rabid audiophile) cringe.
I've used RTA from Studio Six Digital - it's very useful for live sound, and the calibration seems pretty good compared to a cheap dB meter.

You might also want to check out FFT from the same company, since it can give you more detail than than the band-filtered view of RTA.
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