Please tighten up on threads in the various forums

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I have no problems with the layout etc. of this site. I did however stop coming here for over a year due to the difficulty of following the various headings or types of forums. Classic examples are the amplifier forums where somebody comes up with a simple idea but 350 plus entries later nothing is recognisable anymore and the thread has meandered all over the show. Another example is the speaker forums. Example, thread about best 8"full range speaker which is still current. I haven't counted but it seems that very few of the speakers mentioned are 8". One is even 12". Another which is put forward as an 8" has an area of whereas most 8"speakers are between 210 and 220 sq.cms.

I hope this is not an ego problem where people are just trying to say I know more than you so there! I know a little, not a lot but I have not been able to build anything because there is just too much tripe to wade through.

Right, got that off my chest and yes, I do feel better for it!!!
Just another Moderator
Joined 2003
Paid Member
Hi jamikl, yes there are problems with threads going off track. We try to keep things tidy, but there is only so much moderation that can be done. It's a two edged sword, do to much and no one is happy, don't do enough and people aren't happy.

We generally step in when things are out of hand and we are aware of it, or someone reports it to us.

Some topics no matter what, will drift and waffle. This is especially true when there are differences of opinion, and no amount of discussion will change the minds of those in opposition.

Best advise is, if you are participating in a thread that is being derailed, report it using the little red triangle. If a thread you aren't participating in seems to be a load of hogwash, ignore it.

Any "what's the best ____" thread is primed for a bit of craziness.
This forum is not unlike the web itself; there's gold and there's dross, and everything in between. The ratio around here is pretty good actually IMO. Trying a post that attempts to steer discussion in the desired direction is about the only solution. It won't always work of course. Honestly, though, it seems there is more to the story if nothing gets built after seven years' membership. It's DIY after all; you kinda gotta take the bull by the horns.
All I can say to your remark sofaspud is that things have been built but not anything from threads I was initially interested in here.

I was not referring to "what is the best xxxxx" type threads either as I recognise that they are asking for disagreement. What I was referring too is the sort of thread where, for instance, somebody shows an idea and circuit for a simple but reasonable amplifier and within a very short time there are hundreds of posts, it is no longer simple and the thread itself becomes just too involved to follow. This fine for people, and I'm sure there are many, who fully understand amplifier design and may have pretty unlimited means to do whatever they like but for those of us who only know enough to solder, follow circuit diagrams and have limited means, like on a pension, it is frustrating when the thread is taken away from what it set out to show in the first place.
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Ah, yes. I understand what you're saying, and wouldn't disagree. I don't think there is an easy answer to your dilemma, except to keep in mind that this is a diy Audio forum, so you're no more out of place than they are, and arguably less so ("they" being obviously recognized in the particular situation). Take what you find useful and ignore the rest.
Joined 2002
The problem is that we are all diy'ers, and by nature, we like to tinker. So whatever the topic or project, we'll all have our own ideas for changes or improvements. This means that any thread will meander and mutate from the original,and all we can do as mods, (and members too!), is gently try and push things back on topic.

If we strictly moderated threads like you suggest, they would quickly die or become boring, with little participation. That's just who we are! :D
So, for example, I'm trying to optimise a 74_14 use, and I get told, don't use it. I say I want to, let's get back to 74_14, then some know-it-all ignores this and starts posting "advice" that is "expert". I get rude because that's what has worked in the past, when politeness has failed.

It isn't a healthy discussion - no-one discussing - it's just one arrogant know-it-all talking about what he wants and ignoring the request to stay on topic.

Then a moderator tells me not to throw mud in the face of someone who is helping. What a joke. I react in a very pissed off way to this and I get put in the sin bin.

And guess what, my questions about the 74_14 never got answered so I learned about it myself, on another site/google scholar/google books. This is classic diyaudio. It's become pointless.

It isn't the moderators' fault, it's argumentative know-it-alls, people like Qusp for example. I'm not singling him out - he's one of many who assumes everyone is stupid/ignorant unless they'll argue the hind legs off a donkey. healthy discussion ? futile bickering ?

Check out the pages of noise on the AK4399 build thread. How is this healthy discussion ? It's got nothing to do with the project. there's more noise than project.

There are some great people here - GLT and Marce are shining examples. But the problem children (you might think I'm one of them) spoil it. I used to enjoy diyaudio but it's just become a pain. So I'm migrating info away from here and to other sites.

Just so you know. Peace to all.
Just another Moderator
Joined 2003
Paid Member
Guys you are walking a fine line here, and these last two posts could easily be pulled under the commenting on moderation rules.

I've done something that I hopefully won't regret. I've restored abrax's post removed the moderation comments from the thread, and re-opened the thread. (abrax's post was deleted as colateral as it contained a partial quote of one of KlipschKid's deleted posts. This is standard moderation practice. if someone quotes a deleted post it gets pulled as collateral damage.

Guys you are walking a fine line here, and these last two posts could easily be pulled under the commenting on moderation rules.

My 'go figure' wasn't intended to imply dissent from your decision Tony - rather to encourage KK to reflect on whether his 'professional foul' approach to getting what he wanted was actually effective. For myself I found it rather ironic that his behaviour had the effect of pushing the answers he sought further away... :p
I have no problems with the layout etc. of this site. I did however stop coming here for over a year due to the difficulty of following the various headings or types of forums. Classic examples are the amplifier forums where somebody comes up with a simple idea but 350 plus entries later nothing is recognisable anymore and the thread has meandered all over the show. Another example is the speaker forums. Example, thread about best 8"full range speaker which is still current. I haven't counted but it seems that very few of the speakers mentioned are 8". One is even 12". Another which is put forward as an 8" has an area of whereas most 8"speakers are between 210 and 220 sq.cms.

I hope this is not an ego problem where people are just trying to say I know more than you so there! I know a little, not a lot but I have not been able to build anything because there is just too much tripe to wade through.

Right, got that off my chest and yes, I do feel better for it!!!

I have seen my fair share of forum posts jacked by some people bickering in some irrelevant manner about which is the best impedance and why they know more than the other forum poster...

I would like to add that anger is just misdirected passion and maybe some forum posters should just leave and get a room somewhere. :D

And depending on how spirited they are and who is doing the off-topic discussion, you can either ignore them or just go in and tell them to take it somewhere else and start a new thread. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't (see previous link).

And at the rare occasion, all this back and forth of insults and ideas can lead to new and interesting insights on a build or schematic.

If it gets fully completely badly off the rails and nasty (mention of a poster's Class A heatsink being inversely proportional to their size of manhood), then definitely notify a Mod. The Mods can't be everywhere, but the Mods are responsive.
Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
Paid Member
that's nature of the beast

if one wants exact tutorial , best place for finding it is library (good luck with that ).
if one wants to take and keep control over thread , he must be most clever guy in it

moderation is about keeping things civilized , not strictly about meat of thread ; for having that later - we would need expert dedicated to each thread/forum ...... and soon it will be one guy playground

so - there is no other thing than to live with all democracy fruits ; it's much better than
15 or 20 years ago , when learning new things was much slower , if not harder
I hope this is not an ego problem where people are just trying to say I know more than you so there! I know a little, not a lot but I have not been able to build anything because there is just too much tripe to wade through.

Right, got that off my chest and yes, I do feel better for it!!!

I'd say it is partly ego, partly inflammatory comments, and partly people simply not taking time to read what is written.

Even in this thread you can see how people react to other's comments and post something that, should someone respond to it, would descend into pointless bickering; something that is ruining this site as you have seen.

The problem is, if you don't respond, people continue to think their views are right because you didn't argue with them; and if you do, you add noise.

I have chosen both paths; neither is a solution. I found only one way - tell the person very directly that you don't like them, you don't need their help, and even if your house was on fire, you'd rather they keep on walking; and you want them to ignore everything you post in future.

Unfortunately, then they post an inflammatory and off-topic comment about what someone else has said, and that person can't control their ego... and so off it goes again.

Noise. Why allow it ? More arguments = more traffic. It's the only explanation I can see fits. And how's that for an inflammatory comment ? I'm sure to get an argument going no ? Will it result in anything of benefit ? I could care less. I'm the proverbial rat that's leaving...

Joined 2004
Paid Member
I'd say it is partly ego, partly inflammatory comments, and partly people simply not taking time to read what is written.
Yep, that's pretty much it. I think a lot of us hurry thru the posts, don't read them all and then reply to what we "think" was said or was the topic. A lot of replies are to OT comments, which leads the thread even further afield.

When I, as a mod or a member, suggest that we get back on topic - there is usually a great gnashing of teeth and cries of "but this is interesting!" or some such. Most members just don't want to stick that close to the topic. As Pinkmouse says, we like to tinker. :)

I find it just as frustrating as you, maybe more so. But I have to note that in the few threads I've started myself, this has not happened. My threads tend to be factual and to the point, not open ended questions or imaginary projects. So they tend to stay well on topic. Probably makes them boring, tho.....

More arguments = more traffic. It's the only explanation I can see fits.
No. You are thinking of Audio Asylum. Here we tolerate argument as long as it does not break the rules, but we do not encourage it. People disagree, nothing wrong with that - and we can learn from it.
I think as a thread starter you should be willing to moderate your own thread somewhat. To say thank you for the interest but ask that the superfluous stuff be discussed elsewhere as your enquiry has not been answered, much as you would steer a conversation back to the topic from a digression. Its possible to steer a thread back without resorting to name calling

If you want every post checked & censored the internet is not the place for you.

And how's that for an inflammatory comment ? I'm sure to get an argument going no ? Will it result in anything of benefit ? I could care less. I'm the proverbial rat that's leaving...

If you couldn't care less, why do you continue to post? You are one indecisive rat ;)

Is he gone yet? :D
if one wants to take and keep control over thread , he must be most clever guy in it
I submit the most clever guy would not be one that wants to take and keep control over a thread.

Something no one has suggested is that it may be useful for responders to answer the OP question, and then include the answer they want to give to the question that wasn't asked.
Simply expounding on turntable B as reply to a question about turntable A doesn't make much sense. I'm certain it's a minority occurrence, though.
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