Please help me understand - active vs passive driver support

I am building my custom sub, and using SpeakerBoxLite I settled on my initial design for an SB Acoustics sub driver in a 13" sealed box.

When I model better/ deeper options using passive radiators, I land on a couple of interesting options using a taller box with 2 radiators. However, it got me wondering how active options might work.

Passive radiators move in opposite direction to the main woofer, and maintain air pressure levels in the sealed box. That much is obvious to me. Simple physics.

How would a sub react if I have a sealed box with 2 drivers, hooked up to the same amp either in parallel or series, such that the main driver pushes out while the supporting driver reacts inward? Is that what Push-Pull means? And how is that different than passive radiators? It still maintains pressure equilibrium inside the box.

When I model 2 driver Push Pull in SpeakerBoxLite tho, I get massive differences from a similar Passive Radiator setup.
Passive radiators move in opposite direction to the main woofer, and maintain air pressure levels in the sealed box.
At some frequencies they will, but then not much will be achieved.

A passive radiator is tuned to resonate with the woofer and work with it in the bigger picture. Pressure in the box will increase accordingly. The resonance means phase will vary between the woofer and passive radiator.
How would a sub react if I have a sealed box with 2 drivers, hooked up to the same amp either in parallel or series, such that the main driver pushes out while the supporting driver reacts inward?
That would unload both drivers, cancel most of thier output and leave them with very low powerhandling. It's pretty much the worst thing you can do.
Is that what Push-Pull means?
No, that has 2 drivers on opposite sides of an enclosure or 2 drivers on the same baffle with one mounted cone out and the other frame out, but in all cases both cones move in sync in and out of the box. The idea with this arrangement is it cancels any non leanearity in the drivers motors and odd harmonic output.