Peter Daniel's website, is it new or have I missed it?

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Re: it never ceases to amaze me

uvodee said:
AS long as P.D. does not mind everybody can go ahead with whatever you guys are doing (giving "advise" )
I have only one phrase for those advisers: Thinking that you must all love him so much that you want to help P.D. why don't you all go up to him and live and sleep with him ? :hot:


Peter is putting in quite an effort in this forum, and in general in helping people here, so if 5 minutes spent writing a post could be of any help....ill gladly spend 5 minutes on PD.




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can we kill this?

Concerning the use of possible fonts/copyright images and protection:

My only concern with PD's "Specialized Kits" was the similarity to Specialized Bicycles, who are very aggressive with copyright protection and who have been known to ruin small companies . (The only other company I know of that ir more aggressive is Volkswagen---they started sending their lawyers after anybody using a "VW" insignia or style of insignia on any and all webpages and newsletters). I am sure that PD is a big boy and can take whatever action he chooses when needed:)

So let's kill all of this and get back to the real topic.
You see, for me, that name is not the end to means, it's just the operating title (for a while). As much as I'm not afraid of people copying my designs, I'm not afraid of people coming after my name. It would only mean that I'm big enough to be noticed.;)

As I can always come with a better design, I can also come with a better name, so 'specialized' or not, it doesn't really matter. What's important, is the person behind those names;)
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