PC Gainclone

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Tannoys are now ok.

I didn't mention, but I brought my father's Tannoys home that night.
To see if I can "do something" about them.
They simply have a very muted treble, as they always had.
They had an 8 ohm resistor in series with the tweeter.
Yesterday, 5 minutes after playing with some resistors (without it sounds horrible) I've got to the conclusion it's not only that.
I bypassed the crossover completely and made one my way.
It's playing much better now, yesssss!
Dumb manufacturers!:eek:
Dumb manufacturers!

In defence of those 'dumb manufacturers' Carlos, please remember that they have to produce a loudspeaker that will sound reasonably good in most systems in most rooms! No wonder they land up with a compromise and can't get it as good as most home constructors.

Now, I wonder what loudspeakers they listen to at home? I bet it's not any of the models they sell ;)

These loudspeakers are exactly 23 years old (1980).
I never liked their sound, and they have been connected to tens of different amps.
I understand what you mean, but in this case they never played well.
Yes, my father repaired hi-fi too, our house was always full of gear.
These particular speakers were an unfortunate project.
They sounded yesterday before I changed the crossover as they always sounded to me.
Now they are much better.:nod:
Ok, just some final pictures.
One thing I've yet to do is putting some heatsinks between the chips and the bottom of the case.
Here it goes:


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Nuuk said:

Carlos, I'm intigued! ;) When you build hi-fi you do it in English! At least I doubt that the words for 'left' and 'right' are the same in Portuguese :scratch:

I'm very international, and I like that anyone who sees my creations will understand what's in there.
I remember when german amps had all the labels in german, I can't even write that, but you had to test to see where's the bass and treble pots.:devily:
And if the martians invade the earth they may come prepared to talk english.
If they find my PC Gainclone they will understand where's the left and right channel.:devily: :goodbad:
Nuuk, take a look at my preamp, there's a new thread here.
li_gangyi said:
How about a schematic here?? I dun think u need a camera for that~!...and you might want to try and lower the ambient light level...can't really see the cool blue lights...hehehe

Is it dense around there?:rolleyes:
You can't see the blue led on top of the power switch?
Ok, these photos were taken with a flash, in the kitchen.
Not ideal.
But without flash the pictures would have a green tone, because of the fluorescent lights.
Next time I'll use my tripod, and a professional light spot.:devily:
You wouldn't whant to discuss photography with me, or will you?
Ok, Canon T90, Tamron 35-80 SP F2.8-3.8, picture taken in macro mode, at F:22, 1/45s, TTL flash.:devily:
And the picture is much worst here than what I have in my pictures (the real ones, in the negative an the paper).
No schematic.
It's "based" on the Thorsten circuit.
There are no two equal Gainclones, you can't just ask for a schematic to everyone.
Please make a search on the forum and you'll find the schematics.
Sure...I just wanted to actaually know what parts you are using...I never did noe this kinda amp chips will turn into such big stuff...I actually experimented with a few TDAs that give 20W mono and 10W stereo...I forgot wad part No...it did come with a fault indicator output though...if it is (or izzit was) still implemented in today's 50+W Power Amp ICs...I would like to know the part No. LEDs actually do often look washed out in digital cameras though...and if you really get a good picture...the amp will be too dark for you to see it...and youcan't point it straight at the cam...the camera will get dazelled (correct spelling??)...sorry but I'm pretty ignorant here...what can you sae to a 14yr old a**hole here?? (self-censoring...)...just my 2mA worth...
Nuuk said:

Where is 'here' my international pal ;)

With 'here' I meant the "Chip Amps" forum.
Ok, here:

Nuuk said:

And I'm so pleased that any Martian's looking at Decibel Dungeon will be able to understand it all! No wonder my hits counter is buzzing :clown:

Yes, you may be getting visits from other galaxy.:D
I know your site for some time, you know?
I think you're doing a public service, keep it going.:cool:
li_gangyi said:
I REALLY am 14...can ask a few people around..but none of them come here...hehe..I wanted to know if there is a Power Amp IC that HAS a fault indictor output...Thanks...

The OPA548, from Burr-Brown has an E/S pin to indicate its status.
Download the datasheet from www.ti.com and check it out.
Man, 14 years old...
You should be a honorable member of this forum.:nod:
Is there anyone younger?:eek:

With your age I fiddled with electronics, my father was a technician, but there was no Internet.:bawling:
Yo~! My uncle had electronics experience...but it was actually my dad who knew little but started me on it...he got home from work one day...and knowing that I like mechanical stuff...got a simple Kit from a DIY store and a cheap SGD$4 Soldering iron to get me started...needless to say...I progressed from there...my current interest are more on Amps and audio stuff...I loan my O'scope from my uncle...he's got a Tek...20Mhz...with it's probes...and I use a analog DMM...I have tried a digital one...buyt I dun like ti as it fluctuates really badly sometimes on those power supply voltages...any one got any comments?? I forgot the model No. of the scope...I am planning to get enough money to ship a tube scope over from the US...wonder if it will work on 60Hz Singapore Mains??? Just need to drop the voltage from 220-110 right?? Or do I also need to convert the frequency...if so how do I do that?? I know this might be a bit off topic...perhaps the moderator can point me in the right direction...I have since feel (feel literally) that the people here are generally quite helpful and full of interesting ideas that I would never have thought of myself...thanks for all your help here...
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