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The one and only
Joined 2001
Paid Member
I am pleased to announce the is
up and running.

Two projects, "Zen-lightenment" and "The Pearl Phono
Stage" are the initial entries.

We plan an aggressive schedule for new pieces, at
about 1 a month, and we will try to be responsive
to project requests.

We will also be making parts available, starting with
PC boards and the hard-to-get-stuff and expanding
the offerings in response to demand.

Also, we will be running a project Gallery where DIYers
can post their projects and an FAQ section and will be
carrying forward the DIY stuff from the

We are not planning a forum section, so we will
continue to focus our attention here at DIYAUDIO.COM

Thanks for all your support, and we'll try to make it
very worthwhile.

Merry Christmas,

Nelson Pass
Light bulbs...I wasn't going to believe it until I saw it. I thought that lightbulbs weren't temperature-stable enough to use a resistor, but I guess it's OK in a class-A amp. I also thought they were a bit inductive, but I guess that's almost a good thing...

So how about a Son of Zenlightenment, or is the bridged Zenlightenment the closest we're going to get? 🙂


PS Anyone want to start an "audiophile incandescent element" company? I bet we could make a killing here...

Thanks again for your great commitment to the DIY community.

I just got an email from Karen @ passdiy who said that there were actually no plans to offer Aleph PCBs. Should I go ahead and layout my own?

Thanks in advance.
Did you try 300W tubular halogen lamps on the enlightment? They would save space if mounted horizontally and make for some interesting room lighting too!
Do you plan to sell some volksamp-style(or X-series) heatsinks too? These are the most painful items to find for the diyer.
I look forward to see the X-over!!
Thanks mr. Pass ... congratulations with the website .. it looks very good indeed... I'll know that I'l be reading the whole site over and over again...this is the WWW at its best!

A headphone project with the usual theoretical explanation would a nice future project... 1 new project each month??? trying to keep up with Rod Elliott ;-)
Thank you, Nelson Pass, yeah, well done!

I think the Zen-lightenment is one of the weirdest projects ever seen in the hifi DIY world of wonders. I thought my SoZ using "hundreds" of paralleled smaller resistors was already too far out. The ZL betters it by far.

And it is all about serious electronics, I am sure.
But can you imagine trying to sell amplifiers with incandescant bulbs in a sophisticated downtown hifi store ?

I like those approaches.

This is a winter amplifier, just right for the climate here at this time of the year. Isn't it great when your amp will not only heat up your listening room but "in-lighten" it up! What will be the next ? What about a summer version, with a cool breeze from silent running fans ?
(And a version for fall, with different colors of sound ? 🙂

But where do I only get those american bulbs here in 230V-europe ?



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