Pass aleph 3 project

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I have just brought to live my Aleph3.
Some question appeared.
There are great differences between current through IRPs - vary from 0.5 to 0.9A. I tried to change the gate resistors (up to 400ohm) without any effect. Is it necessary to set equal current through each end MOSFET? How?
Source resistors

Typical construction uses .3 to 1 Ohm. Now the Aleph is not a typical amplifier, but increasing the value reduces gain and increases linearity + load sharing (and also the output impedance.

You should be at .47 now. Suggest you try about .7 or even 1 or so as a starting point (R122 etc). You can also solve this problem by duplicating Q104 if you find a way to separate the output transistors.

A "normal" amp would require changes of source resistors both top and bottom. On the Aleph it is only the bottom that needs changing.

Re: how to choose power fets for audio

Petter:Another question - you suggest to change all this resistors (for example from 0.47 to 0.7 or so) or adjust them ( using different values) to the same current through the IRFPs ( ie to change for example to 0.2, 0.47, 0.47 and 0.33 , 0.7, 0.47 - my case)? What is the point of the Q104? Current source too?
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