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"Over the Top" SINGLE 2-way loudspeaker Prototype with $1,250 in Deluxe parts

Use as a Center Channel, Cannibalize for Parts, or Build Another!

This SINGLE prototype has served its purpose, and is ready to relocate to a new home. Here's the parts list:

Eton Fountek Ptype Costs.png

Here's a YT (FWIW & YMMV):

The front panel is Richlite Birch Plywood Stratum. The light-colored "Edge Protection" wood fillets at the longitudinal corners of the cabinet shell are Extreme Tiger Flame Maple Luthier-Quality highly figured wood that costs about $100 the board foot. The shell itself is .75 MDF. The Precision Flared Port is stuffed with cocktail stirrer straws. The prototype will be shipped in a sturdy soft-sided beverage cooler inside a cardboard box. That beverage cooler cost about $30 and I will throw it in at no charge. BTW, the original Fountek tweeter got beaten up a bit, so I swapped it out for one that had no hours on it. I can provide the crossover schematic and parts list, and contact information for Corwin, if you want to build another to have a pair. BTW, the crossover is asymmetrical, 2nd-order Linkwitz-Riley crossing over to 3rd-order Butterworth @3kHz. Because of that, the tweeter has to be wired up in opposite phase: crossover tweeter leg positive wire to ribbon tweeter negative terminal--that is not a mistake.

I think that $250 plus actual cost of shipping is a fair price, but I will entertain reasonable offers. PLEASE realize that there is only one loudspeaker being offered because I make prototypes one at a time. I am letting this one go because I am a lot happier with the Beyma TPL-75 AMT tweeter and the Purifi 5.25 woofer, with passive radiators. I am hoping we can move the crossover point down to 1800Hz... .

Thanks for reading,


Edit Dec. 21: Asking price lowered to $250.


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