Oscope testing

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I just got an osocpe and I have a question. It came with no manual an its only a 10mhz but it should cover what I need.

I want to test the ripple on a powersupply I built which delivers +15.7v 0V -15V and only a few hundred mA. Will I fry the Oscope if the powersupply is not under load? If it is under load? how can I find out?


Hi, most scopes will allow up to around 600-1000V DC on thier inputs before you will get a problem, and this should go along with very high input impedance. So, if you conect the input up to your PSU you should be fine, although, as there will be almost zero current draw with just the scope connected, you may find that you will have a very different situation to the one you will get when the power supply is under load.
Possibly, + / - 25V working at the input of a scope is more typical (5V / div), plus some overload capability. Use a "X10 probe" to increase the voltage range and increase the impedance (mainly to reduce the HF roll-off due to load capasitance).

Enjoy, dave
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