Open Baffle crossover help


Before I post my question below, let me provide a little background. I am in the process of building my first speaker project. This will be an active crossover and multi amp driven system. Room area around 20×18. Below is a brief plan. Please excuse me if my, question is dumb. I dont posses an engineering background.

H-frame open baffle Bass section: 2×15 inch sb audience bianco OB drivers. This will cover between 20hz to anywhere between 120 to 200hz. One of the woofers will be restricted to 60hz the other will.cover the entire bass frequency bandwidth as describwd above.

Mid bass/lower midrange: 1×12 inch SB Audience bianco OB woofer. This will take it from whatever I decide to terminals the bass upper limit all the way to around 750-850 hz.

Midrange: Either a Fullrange Dayton Audio/Fostex or possible the SB Audience 6 inch Nero. The plan is to cover from the mid-bass cutoff to around 4-5KHz.

Tweeter: Planar magnetic to cover upto 20KHz.

I will be managing crossovers via a Peavey VSX 48e balanced 8 channel speaker management system.

Question: For the bass section, would it be possible to parallel the 2 15 inch woofers while adding an 80 Hz low pass in series with one of the woofers? I would like to keep the system to a 4 way hence need to parallel the bass section. Or would it make more sense, to use indepenent channels to drive each woofer while combining the mid and tweeter to a single channel via a high pass in series with the tweeter.

Thank you for your time.

With OB speakers possible filter frequencies are defined by baffle measurements, at least in lower than 4 kHz range. Baffle size will always cause dipole minimum (null) and LP filter for the driver must be on little lower frequency than first dipole minimum is.
If you active crossover is DSP based and is FIR capable, then you can make filter for bass in way that phase is not changing and two woofers will have no holes because of phase shift on 60 Hz LP filter. But this needs lot of taps on FIR filter.
Unfortunately, The Peavey 48e has DSP but I am not aware of the FIR capability. The H-frame will have a breadth of about 20 inches and height around 18 inches for each driver. All other drivers will sit on an independent baffle, above the bass assembly.

The midrange and tweeter will have minimal to no baffle to prevent beaming. Same for the 12 inch mid bass.

Due to the 8 output, capacity of the crossover, I am forced to combine a pair of the 5 drivers to one output.