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Old Ocos

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Anyone have or know where i can find old Ocos Speaker cables with the adapters (filters)?.

A month ago i aquired a pair of ocos cables but they don't have the "adapters" and a friend of mine have and told me that this would be better.

I would need 4x1,5 or 2 meters to do Bi-Wire and Bi-Amp.

Thanks all
Why not do it yourself?

"So, what exactly is this mysterious black adapter made of? The secret exposed is nothing more than a Zobel network which is basically a resistor and capacitor in series. Since the voice coil of a driver has the characteristics of an inductor -- meaning impedance increases with frequency -- a series resistor-capacitor network connected in parallel to the driver can neutralize the effect of voice coil inductance. This kind of network is sometimes called a 'snubber circuit' because it softens the edges of a switching waveform, resulting in slightly slower rise and fall times and therefore less power at its higher-order harmonic frequencies.




Inside the black OCOS adapter we find a 0.33uF/100 V capacitor and an 8.2ohm/1W resister precisely doing just that."

Link: http://www.6moons.com/audioreviews/ring/ring.html

Let know if you DIY or not?

Enjoy, cheers

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