old classics

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It was the VPR-5. I actualy saw one on a dealers table at a hmafest about 5 years ago!

VPR-5 Fansite: http://www.mancini99.freeserve.co.uk/

Aparently the VPR-5 did do one hour reels, the reel moters could be repositioned in a similar fasion to the Nagra 3 and 4 being able to support 10.5 inch reels with an external adapter.


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...Panasonic D3 transfers...


I have had some interesting experience with D3 tapes dubbed to Digibeta and then played out into MPEG encoders. There is an interesting noise spectrum introduced through this chain that bu**ers up any attempt at low bit rate compression (i.e. <3.5Mbit/sec). It seems the D3 DAC isn't as well filtered as it might be - and that excites some very low level artifacts in the digibeta compression scheme that the following MPEG encoders grab and accentuate. Don't you just love series connected compression schemes...

Drop me an email if you want more info...


Re: ...Panasonic D3 transfers...

James D. said:

There is an interesting noise spectrum introduced through this chain that bu**ers up any attempt at low bit rate compression (i.e. <3.5Mbit/sec). It seems the D3 DAC isn't as well filtered as it might be - and that excites some very low level artifacts in the digibeta compression scheme that the following MPEG encoders grab and accentuate. Don't you just love series connected compression schemes...

Drop me an email if you want more info...



Concatenation rulez!


Thanks, I'll email you.

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