Old Bryston 3B transformers

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Hi I'm new here and have a question for you all, what transformer is in the 30 year old Bryston 3B? Turns out the one I bought as a youngster, (supposed demo model) doesn't have the proper transformers in it, it has 2B transformers. So what is the proper transformer and where can I buy them.
It would be nice to hear what Ive been missing for all these years.

Max Plott
Old 3B transformers

Talk about fast, you guys are great thanks y'all.
I had this old bugger at bryston and they said they don't have the part and considering cost and all that it's not worth refurbing.
The amp is in good shape no doubt considering it only had 1/3 the power going through her for thirty years.
You know I always wondered why it never got warm, DOA!

Thanks again guys
Great reading on this site.
Guy P
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