I started designing 3D printed cases for Squeezeboxes and then tried a cheap off-the-shelf MAX9744 board, which I integrated with a microcontroller to give me IR and rotary encoder control for function, plus a small segment display. The developer of the SqueezeAMP (based on a TAS575x) liked it and asked for a design to fit the SqueezeAMP so I will soon be finishing that. I'm having so much fun I've since ordered some TPA3250 boards to pair with a valve pre-amp for the next version, but I'd like to find out what other boards are available. I know of the Infineon MA12070 board but it looks like it won't be easy to mount, and there is the JAB3+. But, I'm really just going for cheap and cheerful at the moment, when I really want to level up a bit more. Are there better boards, or should I look at conditioning the power supply, or something else entirely?
MAX9744 amp, on the right
Upcoming SqueezeAMP case - same basic design but a lot slimmer and with a jog-shuttle type dial.
MAX9744 amp, on the right
Upcoming SqueezeAMP case - same basic design but a lot slimmer and with a jog-shuttle type dial.