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@op111op hey I received the SI384 and -100hz clock. A couple of questions.

1) How come the clock's power input is 7-9v instead of 10-12v as stated in the ad? I almost plugged in a 12v input but thought to check just in case and good thing I did. I am using a spare 9v wallwart that was provided with the 9038 dac. All your other digital components are powered by HDPLEX300 but it has run out of 9v output. I can get a DC Y cable I suppose.

2) Does your product have a brand name? I'd understand if you prefer to have no brand. But, it does make it more difficult when discussing about your stuff.

@op111op hey I received the SI384 and -100hz clock. A couple of questions.

1) How come the clock's power input is 7-9v instead of 10-12v as stated in the ad? I almost plugged in a 12v input but thought to check just in case and good thing I did. I am using a spare 9v wallwart that was provided with the 9038 dac. All your other digital components are powered by HDPLEX300 but it has run out of 9v output. I can get a DC Y cable I suppose.

2) Does your product have a brand name? I'd understand if you prefer to have no brand. But, it does make it more difficult when discussing about your stuff.
1, If you buy the B type clock , it works on 7-9V, a 12v input maybe too hot on LDO

2, It seem to doesn't have an official name yet.......so sorry, but some friends call Million