Hiya all - as discussed at length in the PCB GB thread and on my interest list this is the official thread for the Australian parts mini-GB.
At time of writing we have 17 parts orders and possibly one or two more - I'd love to see 20!
My personal preference for volume pot replacement is the 20mm Bourns model with spline shaft (& matching knob). The total base BoM cost in singles with this change is $28.56. With the current figure of 20 parts kits, the cost per order is $26.60 exc ship.
Postage for parts only is $6.60 for regular & $9.20 for express post.
Including any extras (case, batteries, wallwart) it is $11.20 / $12.50 express. These use standard 3kg satchels so this is flatrate across Australia.
This brings the total per order to $33.20 with parts only and regular shipping.
Adding enclosures ($19.11), batteries ($10/pair if we GB them - see below), wallwarts and any extra gain resistors will obviously increase this total.
I will calculate your total per-order!
I'd love you to round this up if possible - it's still far, far cheaper than the single-order cost for bare-bones parts from Mouser, which is over $70, and any extra will help to cover my time spent on this and any unexpected expenses such as surprise paypal fees and extra postage / packaging costs.
I believe in quality of service and as such I'd like to be able to ship all your orders with individually packaged and labeled parts. I won't charge you for this. Unless you feel like buying me a drink! 🙂
Here is all the information I have so far.
If your name says "??? confirm PCBs" that means I don't know whether you've already ordered/paid through olli in his thread or if you need me to add one onto your order. If you are ordering boards through olli and are also getting a kit order from me you do not need to pay olli shipping costs. If you have already paid shipping I will work this out with olli.
I'd like to know who on top of this would like extra gain resistors (including the low noise versions).
The enclosure is available here at element14 Australia - pick and choose the colour you want. These ship free, and price reductions at quantity are minimal, so your best bet is to order your own - e14 accept credit cards & bank transfers (no paypal unfortunately).
EDIT - See next post!
If you would like to get your front panel machined on the cheap by a machinist friend (who happens to be one of the purchasers) - please let me know too. The cost at the moment is only a dollar or two apiece! (Much cheaper than the $17+ from FrontPanelExpress.)
At the moment I'm still looking for a good source for wallwarts / power supplies; if anybody knows where to get them cheap in Australia please let me know.
As far as I know eBay is the best source for batteries - they work out to about $15/pair if you buy them yourself, but I'm looking at this lot - which works out to a hair under $10/pair. I can then ship them in with the rest of your order. The catch - we need 10 people wanting batteries. No more or less, however if there's a little less I will take up the slack.
Payment (when cost is finalized)
I accept PayPal, and if you really need, I could accept a bank transfer.
I believe I can also accept credit cards using PayPal as a merchant if you do not wish to sign up for an account.
What I need from you:
At time of writing we have 17 parts orders and possibly one or two more - I'd love to see 20!
My personal preference for volume pot replacement is the 20mm Bourns model with spline shaft (& matching knob). The total base BoM cost in singles with this change is $28.56. With the current figure of 20 parts kits, the cost per order is $26.60 exc ship.
Postage for parts only is $6.60 for regular & $9.20 for express post.
Including any extras (case, batteries, wallwart) it is $11.20 / $12.50 express. These use standard 3kg satchels so this is flatrate across Australia.
This brings the total per order to $33.20 with parts only and regular shipping.
Adding enclosures ($19.11), batteries ($10/pair if we GB them - see below), wallwarts and any extra gain resistors will obviously increase this total.
I will calculate your total per-order!
I'd love you to round this up if possible - it's still far, far cheaper than the single-order cost for bare-bones parts from Mouser, which is over $70, and any extra will help to cover my time spent on this and any unexpected expenses such as surprise paypal fees and extra postage / packaging costs.
I believe in quality of service and as such I'd like to be able to ship all your orders with individually packaged and labeled parts. I won't charge you for this. Unless you feel like buying me a drink! 🙂
Here is all the information I have so far.
If your name says "??? confirm PCBs" that means I don't know whether you've already ordered/paid through olli in his thread or if you need me to add one onto your order. If you are ordering boards through olli and are also getting a kit order from me you do not need to pay olli shipping costs. If you have already paid shipping I will work this out with olli.
I'd like to know who on top of this would like extra gain resistors (including the low noise versions).
The enclosure is available here at element14 Australia - pick and choose the colour you want. These ship free, and price reductions at quantity are minimal, so your best bet is to order your own - e14 accept credit cards & bank transfers (no paypal unfortunately).
EDIT - See next post!
If you would like to get your front panel machined on the cheap by a machinist friend (who happens to be one of the purchasers) - please let me know too. The cost at the moment is only a dollar or two apiece! (Much cheaper than the $17+ from FrontPanelExpress.)
At the moment I'm still looking for a good source for wallwarts / power supplies; if anybody knows where to get them cheap in Australia please let me know.
As far as I know eBay is the best source for batteries - they work out to about $15/pair if you buy them yourself, but I'm looking at this lot - which works out to a hair under $10/pair. I can then ship them in with the rest of your order. The catch - we need 10 people wanting batteries. No more or less, however if there's a little less I will take up the slack.
Payment (when cost is finalized)
I accept PayPal, and if you really need, I could accept a bank transfer.
I believe I can also accept credit cards using PayPal as a merchant if you do not wish to sign up for an account.
What I need from you:
- Check your entry in the spreadsheet. If any details are incorrect advise me by posting here and I will update them.
- Tell me your postcode ! so I can calculate shipping to you
- Tell me if you have or have not ordered PCBs from olli - including if you paid postage.
- Tell me what extras (if any) you would like - this includes:
- Batteries
- Wallwart
- Front panel
- Extra resistors (low noise / other gain)
- Enclosure (if direct ordering from element14 is not an option for you)
- Advise me of any other issues.
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First question to ask of all of you who want enclosures and/or front panels!
Would you like to:
A) order parts from me & order the enclosure yourself, ship the panel to my machinist, who will engrave & drill it then ship it back direct to you at cost
B) order parts & enclosure from me, I will have all the panels done at once, which will save on shipping individual panels but may increase shipping the kit order to you (however I will try to be space efficient by packing your parts inside the enclosure).
Option B would probably save the most shipping cost overall and would simplify matters somewhat.
Would you like to:
A) order parts from me & order the enclosure yourself, ship the panel to my machinist, who will engrave & drill it then ship it back direct to you at cost
B) order parts & enclosure from me, I will have all the panels done at once, which will save on shipping individual panels but may increase shipping the kit order to you (however I will try to be space efficient by packing your parts inside the enclosure).
Option B would probably save the most shipping cost overall and would simplify matters somewhat.
I'd prefer option B. As you said, its the simpler option & saves cost.
As for extras, I'm happy to get 2x enclosures, batteries, front panels, a few extra resistors (to change gain). I'll get the wallwarts myself from Jaycar.
Regarding postage, you should consider the AustPost/eBay flat-rate satchels. Works out to be about $5.75 for 500gm satchel & $9.70 for 3kg satchel (bit less if you buy more satchels), which is a bit cheaper than the satchels that you can buy in-store.
Also, much thanks for organising this!
Edit: Just saw the bit re PCBs. I've already ordered & paid Olli for 2 PCBs. I'm happy for him to ship it straight to you. With regard to the extra shipping fees, I'm happy for it to goto his beer/PCB bling fund.
As for extras, I'm happy to get 2x enclosures, batteries, front panels, a few extra resistors (to change gain). I'll get the wallwarts myself from Jaycar.
Regarding postage, you should consider the AustPost/eBay flat-rate satchels. Works out to be about $5.75 for 500gm satchel & $9.70 for 3kg satchel (bit less if you buy more satchels), which is a bit cheaper than the satchels that you can buy in-store.
Also, much thanks for organising this!
Edit: Just saw the bit re PCBs. I've already ordered & paid Olli for 2 PCBs. I'm happy for him to ship it straight to you. With regard to the extra shipping fees, I'm happy for it to goto his beer/PCB bling fund.
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Thanks for the auspost link - silly proxy here won't let me view it, so I'll check it when I get home. Sounds promising!
I've updated your entry - need to confirm - have you ordered PCBs from olli yet?
Edit - I also need to know which gain resistors you want and how many. I'd like Mouser partno's and qty from the BoM here. Thanks 🙂
I've updated your entry - need to confirm - have you ordered PCBs from olli yet?
Edit - I also need to know which gain resistors you want and how many. I'd like Mouser partno's and qty from the BoM here. Thanks 🙂
Hey BlueFusion, thanks again for organising this!
I'm a noob as far as DIY goes, so as far as technicalities go I believe my input would be minimal. (sorry! everyone has to start somewhere though right?)
In regards to your question, option B sounds the most reasonable to me.
EDIT: In regards to the PCBs, I have ordered 2 from Olli and have already paid for shipping.. happy for him to ship it to you with the rest of the group.
Seeing how cheap the GB brings this down to, I'm seriously considering ordering two kits.. maybe one with extra gain resistors? can someone point me to the direction where this is discussed? thanks!
I'm a noob as far as DIY goes, so as far as technicalities go I believe my input would be minimal. (sorry! everyone has to start somewhere though right?)
In regards to your question, option B sounds the most reasonable to me.
EDIT: In regards to the PCBs, I have ordered 2 from Olli and have already paid for shipping.. happy for him to ship it to you with the rest of the group.
Seeing how cheap the GB brings this down to, I'm seriously considering ordering two kits.. maybe one with extra gain resistors? can someone point me to the direction where this is discussed? thanks!
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Hi BlueFusion, thanks for doing all this, you definitely deserve to be shouted a drink or two.
I too think option B sounds very good and i would go for 2x of everything (batteries, wallwart, case, panel and any extras you mentioned) as i figure ill build 2 amps and keep a board spare.
Ive ordered 3 boards and paid for from Olli.
I too think option B sounds very good and i would go for 2x of everything (batteries, wallwart, case, panel and any extras you mentioned) as i figure ill build 2 amps and keep a board spare.
Ive ordered 3 boards and paid for from Olli.
Just to clarify my order:
I'm in for 2 x parts but only one pair of batteries and one wallwart as I'll be building one portable and one desktop version.
I've already paid olli for PCBs and shipping.
My post code is 2113.
I'm in for 2 x parts but only one pair of batteries and one wallwart as I'll be building one portable and one desktop version.
I've already paid olli for PCBs and shipping.
My post code is 2113.
Hi BlueFusion,
Thanks for this. I have submidded an interest form, but would like one set of parts+front panel+wall wart+extra low noise resistors and an enclosure. I have already ordered 2 PCB's from Olli and paid postage, but at the cost of the PCB's I don't care about reclaiming the bit of postage in any way. If you are in Canberra I'll surely shout you a beer!
Thanks for this. I have submidded an interest form, but would like one set of parts+front panel+wall wart+extra low noise resistors and an enclosure. I have already ordered 2 PCB's from Olli and paid postage, but at the cost of the PCB's I don't care about reclaiming the bit of postage in any way. If you are in Canberra I'll surely shout you a beer!
I'm up for a full parts kit... all in the interest of laziness 🙂 Till I was shown this thread (thanks Munga) I was wondering if I'd actually get around to ordering the parts for the 2 PCB's or just put them in my other pile of unfinished projects :/
Do you plan on ordering quality 1% resistors and decent caps?
Do you plan on ordering quality 1% resistors and decent caps?
O2 Amps GB Aus
Hi BF,
I have paid Olli for my two boards inc shipping (but I am unclear whether they will come through you, anyway).
Put me down for two sets of batteries.
For enclosures, my preference is option B (times 2).
Postcode is 3228
Thanks again for the great community spirit.
Hi BF,
I have paid Olli for my two boards inc shipping (but I am unclear whether they will come through you, anyway).
Put me down for two sets of batteries.
For enclosures, my preference is option B (times 2).
Postcode is 3228
Thanks again for the great community spirit.
First question to ask of all of you who want enclosures and/or front panels!
Would you like to:
A) order parts from me & order the enclosure yourself, ship the panel to my machinist, who will engrave & drill it then ship it back direct to you at cost
B) order parts & enclosure from me, I will have all the panels done at once, which will save on shipping individual panels but may increase shipping the kit order to you (however I will try to be space efficient by packing your parts inside the enclosure).
Option B would probably save the most shipping cost overall and would simplify matters somewhat.
I've ordered 1 board from Olli including shipping, but I'm happy for him to send them to you and you two can work out the beers between you 🙂
Option B with everything sounds great (batteries, wallwart, case, panel). I'll stick with the default gain, so the standard resistor values are fine.
I'm at 2607
And finally, having done a few of these GBs, I'm happy for whatever choices you make to make your life a bit easier. If you need someone to buy an extra kit, I'd be up for another one (with batteries, case, panel)
Thanks heaps for doing this.
Option B with everything sounds great (batteries, wallwart, case, panel). I'll stick with the default gain, so the standard resistor values are fine.
I'm at 2607
And finally, having done a few of these GBs, I'm happy for whatever choices you make to make your life a bit easier. If you need someone to buy an extra kit, I'd be up for another one (with batteries, case, panel)
Thanks heaps for doing this.
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Hi Bluefusion,
I'd like the 2 parts kits and 4 batteries.
Thanks for all the effort you have put in.
I have paid ollie for the boards and shipping.
I'd like the 2 parts kits and 4 batteries.
Thanks for all the effort you have put in.
I have paid ollie for the boards and shipping.
Hey Blue
I'm a late starter, I'll go with option B and I haven't ordered anything so I will need to grab it all (extra resistors, batteries, enclosure and front panel but no wallwart). I'll be making two amps. Postcode is 5020.
Great work organising this thread and group buy. Just say how much $$ and the best way to pay, any extra goes toward your beer fund!
I'm a late starter, I'll go with option B and I haven't ordered anything so I will need to grab it all (extra resistors, batteries, enclosure and front panel but no wallwart). I'll be making two amps. Postcode is 5020.
Great work organising this thread and group buy. Just say how much $$ and the best way to pay, any extra goes toward your beer fund!
I can't multiquote - but I'll try to answer everything with this:
It's incredible how much interest this has whipped up in these few days.
Most of you got all the info however I need a little more from some. I may not need your postcodes yet but it helps to keep track of what's going where.
Zeffa - if you can, I'd like to know which of the resistors you want. Alternatively I can just call it a 'kit' and order one complete set as listed on the BoM.
Polak - need a postcode.
schlagzeuger - do you want an enclosure and/or front panel?
Munga - do you want batteries? Also postcode
bircoe - just need a postcode. All the parts are exactly what NwAvGuy / RocketScientist recommended. All are very high quality, low tolerance parts, including such choices as low noise & temp coefficient resistors, etc.
ianrt - thank you I have all your info - standby for pricetag 🙂
fordgtlover - thank you I have all your info - standby for pricetag 🙂
kffern - just need to confirm the resistor kit. Would you just like 'one of everything' as listed on the BoM?
dontdiewondering - as above, need to confirm resistor kit. You are also the first order other than myself from SA - congrats 🙂
Anyone I missed - pipe up!
Please re-check the spreadsheet - if your info is not there I do not have it!
At this point we're into 2 whole battery kits. We have the choice of 'premium' batteries with slightly higher capacity, or low self discharge batteries that will not go flat so fast with disuse - my choice is for the LSD ones, and they are also slightly cheaper.
Shortly I will source us some wallwarts - anybody who knows a cheap source please pipe up as this is the one part I have had difficulty sourcing.
To those who want extra resistors - would you simply prefer the whole kit (one of everything)? It's only $3 in singles - less in quantity since several of you are ordering. This also includes sockets for easy swapping.
Postage Update: I've decided to go with the flatrate ebay satchels - this means $6.75 if anybody has parts ONLY or $10.56 flatrate for most of you ordering extra stuff.
It's incredible how much interest this has whipped up in these few days.
Most of you got all the info however I need a little more from some. I may not need your postcodes yet but it helps to keep track of what's going where.
Zeffa - if you can, I'd like to know which of the resistors you want. Alternatively I can just call it a 'kit' and order one complete set as listed on the BoM.
Polak - need a postcode.
schlagzeuger - do you want an enclosure and/or front panel?
Munga - do you want batteries? Also postcode
bircoe - just need a postcode. All the parts are exactly what NwAvGuy / RocketScientist recommended. All are very high quality, low tolerance parts, including such choices as low noise & temp coefficient resistors, etc.
ianrt - thank you I have all your info - standby for pricetag 🙂
fordgtlover - thank you I have all your info - standby for pricetag 🙂
kffern - just need to confirm the resistor kit. Would you just like 'one of everything' as listed on the BoM?
dontdiewondering - as above, need to confirm resistor kit. You are also the first order other than myself from SA - congrats 🙂
Anyone I missed - pipe up!
Please re-check the spreadsheet - if your info is not there I do not have it!
At this point we're into 2 whole battery kits. We have the choice of 'premium' batteries with slightly higher capacity, or low self discharge batteries that will not go flat so fast with disuse - my choice is for the LSD ones, and they are also slightly cheaper.
Shortly I will source us some wallwarts - anybody who knows a cheap source please pipe up as this is the one part I have had difficulty sourcing.
To those who want extra resistors - would you simply prefer the whole kit (one of everything)? It's only $3 in singles - less in quantity since several of you are ordering. This also includes sockets for easy swapping.
Postage Update: I've decided to go with the flatrate ebay satchels - this means $6.75 if anybody has parts ONLY or $10.56 flatrate for most of you ordering extra stuff.
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No enclosures for me. I've already got one for the portable version from element14 and can machine the panels myself. And I'll sort out an enclosure for the desktop version later.
And as others have said, I'm happy with any BOM tweaks you need to make, decisions on batteries, etc. And any extra money of mine from shipping/whatever to you/olli should go straight to the beer fund.
And as others have said, I'm happy with any BOM tweaks you need to make, decisions on batteries, etc. And any extra money of mine from shipping/whatever to you/olli should go straight to the beer fund.
Thanks you two.
To anybody who wants gain resistors: I've decided you can just get the whole 'kit' of the set of resistors. It's 3 bucks, so I'm adding the respective quantities to your orders on my spreadsheet. 🙂
Anybody who wants the low-noise milspec gain resistor variants - please let me know ASAP and I'll part these up too for your order. 🙂
To anybody who wants gain resistors: I've decided you can just get the whole 'kit' of the set of resistors. It's 3 bucks, so I'm adding the respective quantities to your orders on my spreadsheet. 🙂
Anybody who wants the low-noise milspec gain resistor variants - please let me know ASAP and I'll part these up too for your order. 🙂
Hi BlueFusion,
I'm at 6915 - I'd like 2 batteries if there is room in the order and a wallwart thanks
Jaycar has the MP3020 wallwart that was recommended in
NwAvGuy: O2 Details
in the comments section if you are still looking
I'm at 6915 - I'd like 2 batteries if there is room in the order and a wallwart thanks
Jaycar has the MP3020 wallwart that was recommended in
NwAvGuy: O2 Details
in the comments section if you are still looking
Thanks Vince - indeed that (actually through Electus, Jaycar's wholesaler) is what I'm looking at for $18.95 retail. We need nearly 20 so I will sign up for an account with them and see if we can't get it cheaper.
If anybody finds a cheaper one please shout out! 120v adaptors, UK adaptors, Euro adaptors are all in the $5-9 range - why are Australian ones twice this!!
Edit: My mistake. In the qty we need it's only $14.95 from Jaycar and no messing around with accounts... so this is definitely the best deal, and I'll order from them if everybody is happy with the pricetag.
If anybody finds a cheaper one please shout out! 120v adaptors, UK adaptors, Euro adaptors are all in the $5-9 range - why are Australian ones twice this!!
Edit: My mistake. In the qty we need it's only $14.95 from Jaycar and no messing around with accounts... so this is definitely the best deal, and I'll order from them if everybody is happy with the pricetag.
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