noob question

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Hi everyone

Im kinda new to building speakers and im kinda stuck with something.

Im trying to make a bluetooth speaker using 2 fullrange drivers and a passive radiator. My goal is to achieve a small, loud but decent sounding speaker as cheap as possible. Amp is probably going to be a TA2024.

I got my eyes on the Visaton FRS 8M's right now, since they're cheap and have good sensitivity.

Now my question is: does a high sensitivity 8 Ohm speaker play louder than a lower sensitivity 4 Ohm speaker?

Im new to this so any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance
Most amps will about double the power into 4 vs 8 ohms which is a moderate 3db increase in volume. So if your 8 ohm driver is 3db more efficient than your 4 ohm there would be no difference. If it's 10db or more it should play much louder but I wouldn't let that be the deciding factor. Depends on how loud is loud for you, how decent is decent and things like music taste, room size, waf(if applicable), and budget.
Note too that the more power required for a given SPL, the sooner the driver will begin audibly distorting due to voice coil [VC] heating, so generally speaking it's always better to go with the highest ohm rating the amp can safely handle.

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