non surface mount class D mono audio power amplifiers

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I am a final year degree student in electronic engineering and am doing a project on the benefit of digital class D audio poer amps over the more traditional analog ones(class AB).All the class D I seem to come across seem to be surface mount chips and as I don't have the necessary equipment I was wondering if you knew of any non surface mount chips I could use,I am also interested in simulating the response of class D (possibly on MATLAB),any information on this would also be greatly appreciated.
thanking you in advance

You can get TIPS to your solder iron called "Reflow TIP". Add some flux on to the pin and pads ... Only a little amount. Add a bit Tin on the flat side of the Reflow TIP. Pull the flat side accross the pins. Now here is the MaGiC ... If you do this before the Flux dryes out your Tin will be on the Pins and Pads and no where else ... If it is done right.

Good luck using matlab to simulate response....... you would be better off using dedicated circuit analysis software such as Pspice, mentor graphics, electronics workbench, ect... or whatever your school has for you to use. Since you probably won't be able to import the chip you want to use into the software, I recommend finding a discrete design somewhere.. I recall a 200 watt discrete class D design from Motorola in Encyclopedia of Electronic Circuits Vol. 3, using rather standard components. This could easily be redrawn in circuit analysis software. Unfortunatly class D amplifiers can be very stubborn much like DC-DC switching power supplies (which is similar in nature) and board layout will be a major issue, which cannot be simulated in software. You might have to wave your hand over the board to make it work, and there is no "wave hand" function in the software... 🙂

If you are new to the amp design/building game I suggest you start out with a much simpler class A/AB/B design. Your project will be finished and working in a much more timely manner, and this is important if you are recieving class credit for it =). If you are stuck with studying class D benefiets over A/AB/B, I suggest you do a lot of research. I don't think there are too many other than efficiency and ability to drive ultra low-impedance loads in some designs.
sonnya said:
PaulD :
You all have to learn this technique because more and more Chips will only be available in SMT!!!
I know. I can only solder them if I can see them though.
Sigh.🙁 Maybe when I get my bifocals adjusted...

You know, Class D existed long before they had dedicated chips for it. I can remember reading a project article in Popular Electronics a long time ago. Conceptually they're quite simple, it's only when you get fussy about quality...
There should be a circuit out there somewhere. I'll dig through my magazine archives. If you're not too concerned about fidelity, you may still be able to build something simple.
Hey PaulD .. Sorry that i spelled your "name" wrong.

You can get some Class D designs wich is made on the old mounting technique... But there is a lot of calculation to get them to work satisfying.

If he get the parts from from TI ... Like the TAS5000 he only have to build/design the outputstage .. There is no feedback to affect stability.

Second solution is to use parts like TPA2000D1, D2 or D4 wich is filterless so you do not need to calculate a LC-Filter.
If it is okay calculate a filter is can be done with the same chip.
It is a singlechipsolution 2W@4Ohm.
Bad sideeffect : TSSOP 16 pin! But you can do this even if you etch the board your self.

I know this is all SMT parts but they are easy to use if it is first time you make a Class D design.

national 170w class d amp

Hi i have get these part from national.
and make up a pcb on double side photo board. Using the layout
that in the applications note. (using photo editor to put the silscreen layer on top at the top and bottom layers)
I havent complet the project yet It's making it a bit difikelt that I have to solder the cornections that goes throug the board each side of the pcb.

Im suprised that it's posible to make so nice Pcb with a printer and old uv light(sun)

If you get info on (pcb layout +schematics) on how to build real high performance class d amp let me know.

bestregards jc.
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