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New to the forum - CAD modeler & CNC Router operator based near Queenstown New Zealand

Kia Ora folks
Just wanted to say hi as I'm a new member here!
I'm based near Queenstown NZ and run a small (one man band) CNC routing service. I have experience in helping people to create there sound systems and have re-modeled various designs adding loads of features into the cad models and then automating the cutting of all those features on the CNC. I usually work with the customer to create a custom look in the bracing to make their subs stand out. I can provide both flat-packed and fully assembled options.

I am here because I want to connect with speaker designers and builders and to offer my services in this area. I'm also looking to chat with designers about licensing agreements for re production as sometimes people have been asking me to re produce jobs that I have helped private customers with for personal builds.
I haven't re-produced any yet but want to go about it the right way!

My website is: https://zone2.nz/design-cnc-cutting-service/
My Facebook is: https://www.facebook.com/zone2.nz

Thankyou! Look forward to connecting with yas!
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