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New (new in box) Avalanche 18" subwoofer

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I have a brand new, still in original crate, Ascendant Audio Avalanche 18" subwoofer. I impulsively purchased it when Ascendant cleared out its inventory about 3 or so years ago. The subwoofer has never been used or connected. It has been sitting inside my closet for all this time, as I did not have a chance or time to build a subwoofer.

So if anyone needs one, please let me know. I take Cash (Dollar and Euro) , Paypal, trade, gold coins, or things of value. I don't sell anything on Ebay, yet I wasted a lot of money there and received over 400 positive feedbacks with 0 negatives.

I am aware that another member of this forum also is selling his Avalance. So, if someone is looking for a pair, please give this guy a call.


Asking USD $380 plus actual shipping. And if you are coming to San Francisco for vacation, business, protesting the Olympic, or any other legal or illegal purposes, you are welcome to pick it up and save shipping costs.
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