New Headphone amp needed

Hi all,

First, a confession - I've killed my O2 headamp after many years of excellent service. Very stupidly I plugged the wrong power jack in and rather than receiving 15V ac it got 21V dc off an SMPS. The power led still lights but no sound out, I haven't opened it up yet to see what's fried...

So, two questions that I'd appreciate some adivce on:

1) What am I likely to have killed in the O2 and given it's age, is it worth reviving?

2) If the O2 is not state of the art these days, recommendations for a new headamp. My headphones are HiFiMan Sundara, 32 ohm IEMs so fairly current hungry. I don't need the amp to be portable and don't need an integrated DAC. I prefer revealing, uncoloured very low distortion amps, is there anything out there taking advantage of the newer OPA 16xx series? Valve amps need not apply, just my preference. :)

Thanks in advance for all contributions
The O2 has 20vac max so the regulator input can handle upto 28vdc. However, an opamp might fail for having +dc without -dc. Replace the opamps.. If that does not work, try bypass of the power management circuit.

Fix the O2 so you compare it to other headphone amps you get.