New 4" fullrange

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new 30w 4" fullrange


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Joined 2003
Well, with a ~0.4 Qts, a max flat alignment is Vb = Vas, Fb = Fs or ~5.6 L/64.6 Hz Fb, so tiny to me. The smallest I'd try is ~3.89 L/64.6 Hz Fb, but still way larger than the popular cubes, computer speakers available nowadays.

Great, we have a team...

Would you prefer it if we told you whatever it is you want to hear, rather than what is actually the case?

20Vas * Qt^3.3 (actually it comes out at about 5.7 litres, but adjusting for minor data discrepancies in the spec. above gives you said, or thereabouts. A few cm^3 here or there will have rather less effect than driver production tolerances).
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As was said from the beginning, it's a T/S max-flat alignment. No more, no less. It is not the only option, just one, and in general, not one for placing near room boundaries. Since no 'project' appears to have been specified in this thread, I can't quite see what you're complaining about. If you don't like it, you could provide an alternative for anybody who might be reading this thread & be contemplating these units.
As was said from the beginning, it's a T/S max-flat alignment. No more, no less. It is not the only option, just one, and in general, not one for placing near room boundaries. Since no 'project' appears to have been specified in this thread, I can't quite see what you're complaining about. If you don't like it, you could provide an alternative for anybody who might be reading this thread & be contemplating these units.
Your attitude is not very nice or correct for an open forum. :(
Well, you were the one complaining. I simply pointed out that it was clearly stated to be a flat alignment, and if you didn't like that, rather than moaning about it, you could provide one that you preferred.
It's not fair from your part using words like you do () and after I shared in my post and for the community, pics simulations of the designs that I'm talking about. Your behavior is inadequate as I said before, and it shows your ignorance on the subject. In respect to the original poster I will refrain from giving more answers in this thread on the same topic or any other. I sent a message of warning to the moderators. :cool:
Eh, everyone recall that you can't really read someone's mood or intentions very well from stuff they type.

Now, let's get back to the thread. Somehow this is giving me an urge to make a mini transmission line. It looks so cute! And offhand, the top octave rolloff doesn't seem worse than a lot of tweeters. (Am I crazy? It looked better than a few tweeters I pulled up, but nothing had how many degrees off axis labeled).
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