This is not an audio application but the fruits of these labors will help fund Alephs and other upcoming projects.
Here's the problem.
A gage produces a +/- 2.5 VDC ouput proportional to the temperature. That's the input.
For a whole variety of reasons, the ouptut of this yet to be created black box must be a proportional AC signal. The output characteristics should mimic that of an LVDT (linear variable differential transformer). The excitation of the LVDT will and can be provided by an outside source --- 2.5kHz ~ that part is already working. Output voltage should be about the same ~ 1-2.5 VAC.
Money? No problem, this isn't hobby work
Help a brotha out...
Here's the problem.
A gage produces a +/- 2.5 VDC ouput proportional to the temperature. That's the input.
For a whole variety of reasons, the ouptut of this yet to be created black box must be a proportional AC signal. The output characteristics should mimic that of an LVDT (linear variable differential transformer). The excitation of the LVDT will and can be provided by an outside source --- 2.5kHz ~ that part is already working. Output voltage should be about the same ~ 1-2.5 VAC.
Money? No problem, this isn't hobby work
Help a brotha out...
variable gain-amp fed by oscillator and your dc-signal?
Analog multiplier sounds even better. MPYxxx series from TI comes to my mind first. Or check what Bob Pease @national has got to say about "analog multipliers and stuff"
If you need better precision than 0.5-1% I think that you better to go digital. AD-CPU-DA
OK, now send me the money, thats the problem for me for most of the time 😀
Analog multiplier sounds even better. MPYxxx series from TI comes to my mind first. Or check what Bob Pease @national has got to say about "analog multipliers and stuff"
If you need better precision than 0.5-1% I think that you better to go digital. AD-CPU-DA
OK, now send me the money, thats the problem for me for most of the time 😀
neither. 🙂chipco3434 said:Does one oscilate then amplify or amplify then oscilate?
Bob Pease is cool!
stable sine wave from oscillator is fed to one of inputs in multiplier and your DC voltage to second input. Ouput is ac signal with amplitude controlled by dc-input signal. Lets say that you build oscillator with 1vac out, feed this to multiplier X input and dc signal to Y input. Output of multiplier is then X*Y
LVDT "simulator", straing gage replacement for LVDT or what are you trying to build?
I miss your point that output should be 1-2.5Vac
And i didnt think long enough, reference voltage is also needed to offset multiplier.
Attenuate input dc signal by 10/3 ratio, feed to G=1 opamp that has 1v reference so that output is between 1-2.5V dc. Feed this to multiplier X and 1vac(from separate oscillator or your LVDT exitation signal attenuated suitably ) to multiplier Y input. Done.

all you need is not more and not less than AM-modulator. Right?
That seems correct.... and simple.
I don't require the variable frequency output... Just a proportional ~ unity (or less) output at 2.5 kHz.
The DC could be converted to an RMS voltage? Yes?
The DC could be converted to an RMS voltage? Yes?
Do a search for Variable Gain Amplifiers. There are many IC's that can perform this function.
You feed your 2.5 kHz carrier into one input and your d.c. voltage into another input.
The output of the chip will be 2.5 kHz with amplitude controlled by your d.c. sample voltage.
You feed your 2.5 kHz carrier into one input and your d.c. voltage into another input.
The output of the chip will be 2.5 kHz with amplitude controlled by your d.c. sample voltage.
Sorry, I thought you were looking for the frequ to be a function of the DC input --
I have a bunch of SSM2018's from Analog in DIP -- this is a very nice VGA --,2877,SSM2018,00.html -- used by Cyril Bateman in his ULD oscillator.
I have a bunch of SSM2018's from Analog in DIP -- this is a very nice VGA --,2877,SSM2018,00.html -- used by Cyril Bateman in his ULD oscillator.
I would first generate a square wave between 0 volts and the desired voltage using a fixed 2.5Khz clock to chop it during half of the period. Then I would use a steep band-pass filter to remove higher harmonics and make it sine-like.
At such a low frequency, standard op-amps and comparators may be used.
At such a low frequency, standard op-amps and comparators may be used.
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