Naim (split from Blowtorch)

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snoopy said:
that's the one

I suppose anyone can frie a decent omelet with a $30 fungus for a diyA lunch.
But does that make the egg of the guy on the other side of the pond, with only plain mushrooms, less tasty ?


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stoolpigeon said:
One thing that usually comes up regarding Naim is the view that it is impossible to clone a Naim because there are "tricks" in the circuit or parts that no one (except Naim presumably) knows about and therefore any copy will be inferior.

Any sensible comments?


You have just employed the fallacy of special pleading :(

Before you can say that Naim is different from any other design and can't be copied, first you have to prove that Naim is the exception to the rule, for which you and others have failed to do so :(

In any event who'd want to copy it anyway :D LOL
stoolpigeon said:
One thing that usually comes up regarding Naim is the view that it is impossible to clone a Naim because there are "tricks" in the circuit or parts that no one (except Naim presumably) knows about and therefore any copy will be inferior.

Any sensible comments?


Hello SP
Impossible is pretty extreme, for somebody experienced in amplifier manfacture it would not be an impossible task to copy the design. Everything they use in the manufacture of their amps has to be bought from a supplier of components, transformers, resistors etc etc. Now if you bought the same parts and copied the printed circuit board you would have a Naim product. Its really no that hard to follow the process if you are experienced in this area.

Arthur Rappos
The reason why I interfered here was that I cannot stand people making statements out of rumours and prejudices and judging sound by sight only. Thats what you do , snoopy, you seem to have no clue what this is about. You seem to be one of these numerous engineers who claim to have "it all". But you have not. Your answers proof nothing. Why do you deny my experience (with NAIM and other equipment for more than 30 years)? Because you do not have this experience nor do you have any ideas how to make things better. By looking into a NAIM amp you say something about its mediocrity? Thats not only completely naive but it is simply stupid. And you claim to have experience??
snoopy, read what I said and it was not that it was my view.

Arthur, there are at least 2 members, (1 from UK and 1 from Germany I think) who appear to have a a fair amount of Naim experience and who both espouse the view I presented.

I am not being a smart*** I just think it is an interesting view and not one I have noted when people talk about cloning other brands equipment.

lohk said:
The reason why I interfered here was that I cannot stand people making statements out of rumours and prejudices and judging sound by sight only. Thats what you do , snoopy, you seem to have no clue what this is about. You seem to be one of these numerous engineers who claim to have "it all". But you have not. Your answers proof nothing. Why do you deny my experience (with NAIM and other equipment for more than 30 years)? Because you do not have this experience nor do you have any ideas how to make things better. By looking into a NAIM amp you say something about its mediocrity? Thats not only completely naive but it is simply stupid. And you claim to have experience??

Sir is it possible that you have been totally wrong all of this time ??

I don't need to drive a car that has one wheel missing to know that it is not going to steer properly.

Likewise I don't have to spend 30 years using Naim equipment to know that it is of a mediocre design. Any graduate of a technical college could tell you that ;)
stoolpigeon said:
snoopy, read what I said and it was not that it was my view.

Arthur, there are at least 2 members, (1 from UK and 1 from Germany I think) who appear to have a a fair amount of Naim experience and who both espouse the view I presented.

I am not being a smart*** I just think it is an interesting view and not one I have noted when people talk about cloning other brands equipment.


Fair point. Redirect what I said to the guys who told you that ;)

Like Arthur said unless those guys make their own parts or have some unique part that nobody else has then it is quite easy to duplicate someone elses design and achieve the same performance ;)
stoolpigeon said:
One thing that usually comes up regarding Naim is the view that it is impossible to clone a Naim because there are "tricks" in the circuit or parts that no one (except Naim presumably) knows about and therefore any copy will be inferior.

Any sensible comments?


I think (and would be interested in comments from others with similar experiences) that one of the difficult challenges for an audio equipment designer is to "clone" his own design in production quantities and consistently. It involves an attention to details that would be considered almost silly in most industrial applications (not all thought :) ) . And that is why it is difficult to make a clone with an identical (or often even similar sound) without deep understanding of a particular design approach and details.

stoolpigeon said:
snoopy, read what I said and it was not that it was my view.

Arthur, there are at least 2 members, (1 from UK and 1 from Germany I think) who appear to have a a fair amount of Naim experience and who both espouse the view I presented.

I am not being a smart*** I just think it is an interesting view and not one I have noted when people talk about cloning other brands equipment.


Hello SP

As I said to you for somebody who knows what they are doing it it is not a big deal , but that being said not everybody can pull it off because they dont have the knowledge and or the money to do this project properly .

And why would anybody who is serious manufacturer copy another company's product and sell it as a "Naim copy" as a marketing strategy . It sounds like some DIYers trying to make some money, along the lines of the original sells for $10,000 and our copy sells for $1000 .

Can I ask you do you own one of these amps an original or a copy from these guys.

x-pro said:

I think (and would be interested in comments from others with similar experiences) that one of the difficult challenges for an audio equipment designer is to "clone" his own design in production quantities and consistently. It involves an attention to details that would be considered almost silly in most industrial applications (not all thought :) ) . And that is why it is difficult to make a clone with an identical (or often even similar sound) without deep understanding of a particular design approach and details.


100% agreed, but I don't think we are talking here about cloning for mass production purposes.

If we believe it's impossible to clone a piece of electronic audio equipment for DIY purposes, then we can all bury our labs and start collecting stamps. Which is exactly what some so-called experts would like to happen. Demystifying their products is what their fear most, both for marketing and ego reasons.

It's the same FUD tactics I'm contemplating for years in the software industry (add a nomina odiosa here) applied to the audio industry.
x-pro said:

I think (and would be interested in comments from others with similar experiences) that one of the difficult challenges for an audio equipment designer is to "clone" his own design in production quantities and consistently. It involves an attention to details that would be considered almost silly in most industrial applications (not all thought :) ) . And that is why it is difficult to make a clone with an identical (or often even similar sound) without deep understanding of a particular design approach and details.


Hello Alex,

But that aside if you copied the PCB board layout 100% and used exactly the same components of the thing your are copying you would have a perfect clone. You dont need a deeper understanding than this.

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