My Xls Have Arrived At Last Woohoo!

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OK finally after 10 weeks I now have my pair of XLS10's. These are in a sealed cabinet of 20 litres EQ'd to a -3 at 35hz. at about 8db per octave. They dont run out of excursion full stop they go LOUD with 30hz sine waves, the room rattles before the speakers bass deteriorates as you go beyond xmax.

As you may know im replacing a pair of 850146's with the XLS mainly to reduce cabinet depth. I used the same cabinets but just shortened them from 66cm to 36cm and enlarged the cut out as the XLS has a bigger basket by about 2cm in diameter.

They sound better then the 850146's, the bass is cleaner and more well defined. As the harmonic distortion into the mids is lower the mids sound clearer too. This is one impressive driver.

XLS10 + W15cy + SS d2905/97 = one low distortion speaker and it sounds it too.

xovers are at 150hz and 2k, active obviously 200watts to the XLS and 80 to the rest.
A horn for me would defeat my/the object of a smaller box!

I cant see what there is not to like about the XLS
they go deap
they can handle lots of power
large excursion
low distorsion
I think they look good
they only need a small box so high WAF
they also sound good :D
My 146's never seemed to run out of grunt but i listen to music mainly so HT explosions are not really an issue. Plus my room is not too large and I had two 146's which should make a difference. Yes I would recommend the XLS range to anyone else out there who wants to use them. Destiny's child bootylicious has an absolutely KILLER bass line to reproduce which the XLS take in their stride, the 146's could do it but not with as much ease. Its the same with Lauryn Hills do wop that thing another killer bass track to produce same story.

If you find one 146 runs out of welly then I would go for a 12'' XLS just to be on the safe side, or if money permits stereo subs.

I was adjusting the cabinets for the XLS before I even got them and I removed the 146 and thought they looked pretty good and robust etc. Then I got the XLS, the 146 looks puny in comparison.

Yes it does sound amazing.
VERY nice !!!
Is this setup Passive/active or full active?

"xovers are at 150hz and 2k, active obviously 200watts to the XLS and 80 to the rest."

I have been looking at a similar set up Im just still unsure on how to mate the mid/tweet with the subs. Mains ran by a 100x2 adcom, subs would be using an aditional 100x2(mono), could I just go passive on the sub also with no plate amp not quite sure on the x-over set up. ??????
VERY nice !!!
Is this setup Passive/active or full active?

"xovers are at 150hz and 2k, active obviously 200watts to the XLS and 80 to the rest."

I have been looking at a similar set up Im just still unsure on how to mate the mid/tweet with the subs. Mains ran by a 100x2 adcom, subs would be using an aditional 100x2(mono), could I just go passive on the sub also with no plate amp not quite sure on the x-over set up. ??????
The setup is fully active and goes very loud much to the discomfort of the neighbours when I wanna pound something out!

If you are going to use four amplifiers for a three way speaker then the best way to do it is have one amp on the bass and then another to the mid/tweeter section which is passive, filtering the bass away from the mid/tweet combo too with an active fiter.

100 watts will be fine for normal listening with music etc, but if you are doing HT at loud levels you'd probably require a bit more. And when I say loud I mean as loud as the thing will go without exceeding xmax.

Fully passive is doable but will require rediculous size inductors and capacitors. Not to mention drivers respond better to being directly coupled to the power amp. If you already have the amps then dont bother with passive. Another thing to note is the power requirements. A three way fully passive driven by a 300 watt amp is the same as a half active crossed at 300hz driven by 100 watt amps. This is a typical average vaule and obviously depends on the material listened to.
Hmmm Karoliina you dont ask easy questions! But here goes.

Distortion first - low, its hard to actually judge this although the bass sounds cleaner then it did with the 850146's and so does the mids and treblle due to psychoacoustics.

Quality and accuracy I would say go hand in hand, if you are refering to the ability to play a tune and follow bass lines well then they do that with no problems. I have two of these in a 4*3.5 meter room and there is no boom whatsoever, just deep powerful controlled bass, I cant think of a bad thing to say about them. You cant say the one disadvantage is the huge box like with other drivers of this size because there isnt one.:D

My main reason for purchasing the XLS was to use a smaller box so anything else was a bonus.
Active ?

In reguards to your crossover being "active" what are you using to get the 150/2k split.
This will be used for music only and the pre is an Audio Alchemy DLC. I will be running one of the the adcoms to the mid/tweet (1"/6.5")100WPC@ 8 ohm set up passive with a roll off at about 80hz.
So the real ? is how to intergrate the 2 -10" into the loop using the other amp.
I assume each sub is 4ohm so the amp has 150 to help give them a kick. I could then just run L/R chanels this way and use the gain of the amps to control level but still have no way to cross over >150hz to the subs????? I guess thats one beneft of plate amps having a built in active x-over.
So any active x-over for sub level only duty..........

PS:turn that thing down I can hear ya from here.......... :) :confused:

Thanks much !!!!
Distortion measurements of the 12" XLS and some other popular woofers. The 10" XLS uses the same motor so it should be similar. The fellow ran the tests using Linkwitz's non-linear test signal of a primary tone, amplitude modulated 100% at 10%F. That's a mouthful but the graphs are really quite easy to read. A 'perfect' driver would show the spike at the primary frequency plus spikes of -6dB at plus and minus 10% of the primary. Anything other than those three spikes is distortion and/or noise.

Short version, they all did well at very low frequencies but, once you get up around 100Hz, the XLS is notably cleaner than the others.
Is 2 X 10 XLS enough? Or is 2 X 12 XLS necessary?

5th element said:
OK finally after 10 weeks I now have my pair of XLS10's. These are in a sealed cabinet of 20 litres EQ'd to a -3 at 35hz. at about 8db per octave. They dont run out of excursion full stop they go LOUD with 30hz sine waves, the room rattles before the speakers bass deteriorates as you go beyond xmax.

As you may know im replacing a pair of 850146's with the XLS mainly to reduce cabinet depth. I used the same cabinets but just shortened them from 66cm to 36cm and enlarged the cut out as the XLS has a bigger basket by about 2cm in diameter.

They sound better then the 850146's, the bass is cleaner and more well defined. As the harmonic distortion into the mids is lower the mids sound clearer too. This is one impressive driver.

XLS10 + W15cy + SS d2905/97 = one low distortion speaker and it sounds it too.

xovers are at 150hz and 2k, active obviously 200watts to the XLS and 80 to the rest.

My current setup is a pair of two-way active speakers with:
  • SS15W/8530K00 + SSD2905/9900 (X-Over at 2kHz)
  • The SS15W/8530K00 is in a sealed Q = 0.5 box, which at my need for SPL runs out of excursion around 100Hz.
  • I'm planning three-way active with two subs with a X-Over at 100Hz using 2 X 10" XLS or 2 X 12" XLS in a sealed enclosure.
  • My HiFi is playing in a standard 3x4x2.5 m³ room.
Summa sumarum of these bullets is that my setup has the same philosophy as yours :hug: :up:

You say, that you have plenty of bass with EQ + 2 X Sealed 10 XLS, but I guess this depends upon music-taste :xeye:

Do you think that I have to use EQ + 2 X Sealed 12 XLS for my loud Techno and Ambient ??

Or can EQ + 2 X Sealed 10 XLS make my stomach feel good :D:faint::cheerful:

I would like to use the 10 XLS for my design - because it only needs a little-tiny-monster-hiding-box :up:

Regards :)
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