My uTracer 3+

In the process of making my uTracer3+ (400V), tube curve tracer from

I ordered the processor with program from Ronald at, and as a true diyer made my own version of the PCB. I added all the mods to the original 3+, and added FDTI cable USB connector and two extra sections for the Grid Loupe and the Capacitor forming options.

I have also the extra higher heater current bulk converter from Albert Valiente and Voltage Volt/current meter options. I bought the bulk converter PCB and meter from Aliexpress, and made my own pcb for the HR supply using Albert design.

Albert mods, grid Loupe and Cap forming circuits can be found in the uTracer Lab Notebook PDF document.

More pictures will follow.


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Nice work this looks great.
Any chance you would post a circuit diagram of the extra board you created?
Or maybe gerbers of the PCBs or perhaps if not then just a PDF of both PCB sides so I can follow what you have done?
Been considering making my own uTracer for some time and head start would be nice.