My thoughts. And nothing else.

Why it is, that dissonant sounds arise in my brain while my ear mediates Bach beautiful music to me:
My inner hearing the sounds of the Internacionale puts it here.
You maybe know it:
"Of the past let us make a clean slate"
It was obligatory to sing this precisely enough in my childhood at the time of the communist autocracy.
I would add it to it yet because of that. this sounded somehow so at us:
"Utterly to erase the past."

Wacky Gyuri
Heavy is my heart like a stone.
This does not mean I would be cold-hearted:
Today is a Sunday was so beautiful as the day when my son was born in the 1987th September 14
I can not break out of the prison of pain.
I do not want even to listen to music either.
I have a poem fumble on my brain:

Devecseri Gábor: Bikasirató

Megszülettünk hirtelen,
egyikünk se kérte.
Kérve kérünk, szép jelen:
meg ne büntess érte.

Kérünk, kurta pillanat,
ne vess tûzre, lángra,
szép olajfa-lomb alatt
várhassunk halálra.

Hadd teljék az életünk
– mint lehet – szelíden,
gyolcsban zengjük énekünk,
nem csalános ingben.

Gabor Devecseri: Lament for a bull.

We was born suddenly,
none of us asked for this.
Asking please, nice present:
do not punish us for it.

We ask you, short moment,
do not throw us in fire, flame
under beautiful olive tree
let us wait for our death.

Let's live our lives
- as can be - meekly,
fine linen, sing our songs,
not in a shirt with nettles.

Translated by Wacky

Maybe not a poetic translation, also may not be accurate.(You know me.)
Therefore, I would appreciate it if someone writes to here the translation.
Which is done by Robert Graves.
I love his books anyway.
Anyone, out there?

The hunchbacked walking in the cemetery.
Jumps in front of him a dwarf, and he asks:
-What is your hump on your back?
-It is necessary to you?
-No. - So, the hump has disappeared.
All of this told the hunchbacked to the lame, who is immediately ran to the cemetery.
He even jumped out in front of the dwarf, and asked:
-What is on your back, lame?
Well, then here is a hump!
My mothers grandparents Dutch /Armenian/ Irish, Her sister married an American Indian(Catawba Tribe), My wife is Jewish on her mothers side and her Father was from Spain(Spanish Blondes and redheads). I have heard recently my Duchey ancestry has claimed to have Traced his ancestry back 32 generations I have been told that you only have to go back 13 generations to be related to everybody on earth.
No wonder we can't all get along we are related...

I would ask what else could go wrong but then it would happen,

My humblest regards, Elwood
John Steinbeck - The Winter of Our Discontent
I am afraid that now it is going to happen.

"Now is the winter of our discontent / Made Glorious summer by this sun [or son] of York, '.

I'm already looking forward to this sun eagerly. (or son?)
The latter is no longer involved, unfortunately.

Anyway, I'm going to sleep now.
Well if that is successful for me.
When I think of this, life is what I (and quite a few here) I live, it is a suicide of a slow but ruthless form.
„Arbeit macht frei”?
Perhaps this is not the worst part.
But it is, I know that many people on earth are those who are much, much worse off than this.
And the fact that it seems to me this is the direction in which we move, constantly.
So I want to everyone not to be worse next year than this.
But at least it is a nice say farewell Csomolungma this lousy year:


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