My thoughts. And nothing else.

Hi Gyuri, I hope your finger heals ok and you are well. Cats are like young children, love, jealousy and madness in equal measure. I read your posts and feel your pain. I to have suffered from illness, loss and depression, the best thing to do is try to ignore the bad things in life, there are far to many for one man and one lifetime.

Concentrate instead on the good things and good people, you might find they exist in equal measure. All things must balance, you too.

Me, I am better now but still have a few dark days. You seem like a good man, Don't let life or people get you down, the best revenge is to live well.

I think it's better to add life to my years than years to my life, maybe that's why I cant seem to give up smoking and drinking :rolleyes:

My cats love my missis and me but get jealous because they compete for my affection even though I treat them both equal, they seem to need my favour more, maybe because I am the largest animal in our home :D

My wee girls say hi from Scotland. Best wishes and regards, Davy.

Nope, cats and I dont' get along.;)

They won't have anything to do with me either.:rolleyes:


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diyAudio Moderator Emeritus
Joined 2001
As I tried to separate them, Huncutka bit me around on my right hand's index finger.
It has happened at tuesday morning.
I washed the wound with antiseptic soap.
It did not look too serious.
So I went to work.
During the day, I didn't have a time to deal with this.
But in the evening when I arrived home, I noticed surprisingly, it was swollen, and it hurt.

Ask the doctor about rabies. In America, cats carry quite a lot of it. From what I have read, they have rabies in Europe as well.
@ TheGimp nice cats dude! Glad to see i'm not the only one who has cat issues.

I quite like this picture (that's me and cforcat last year) I think it makes me look young for an (almost) 44 year old fat guy, the grey hairs are on the sides so not noticeable here :D

Sorry for the threadjacking Gyuri, stay well and look after you and yours. Over to you now. Slainte Mhath.

According to the CCD (Center for Dease Control) the primary carriers are raccoons, skunks, bats, and foxes.

CDC - Rabies

I'm surprised that bats are major carriers as squirrels are not. My son was bitten by a ground squirrel and we were told by the doctor that it is rare for such small animals to transmit rabies as they usually die rapidly due to the small brain mass and rapid distruction by the virus.
Thank you folks,

I guess I should not be afraid of rabies.
You probably do not know, but Hungary was the first country in the world where dogs are compulsorily required to be listed, and compulsory vaccination against rabies. It was the 1930s. In 1950s, despite the war, vaccination virtually eliminated rabies. However, later showed up again because of the beasts from the east. Primarily because foxes. Annual vaccination is required for dogs now, but it's the owner's responsibility. Punishment for the omission approx. 1.000USD. Cats vaccination is not mandatory, but highly recommended. My cats were vaccinated as well as neighbors Nuca. Apart from this, the most dangerous source of rabies at us the cats!
Yes, Starlight was very tempremental.

Regretably both cats are no longer with us. The white one was my wife's (until she meet me). For some reason cats like me and will climb up on my lap to be petted and scratched behind the ears.

Gyuri, glad you got antiiotics in time. It would be a shame to lose a finger, or even part of one. I lost part of my left little finger working on a car. Not something I recommend.
A little story from my holiday in the hospital:
Poor black knight.
Before another part of the body have been removed, was an anesthesiologist woman for questioning.
My dirty old goat imagination immediately woke up, when I saw her.
Young, pretty, cute, kind, perfect body, I wish this woman put to sleep me every day.
Of course, not in the hospital.
So she asked of poor man, allergies, previous illnesses and surgeries.
Can not you see that already have cut off his leg ?
Here I have a little smile inside me, when there was talk of a broken leg.
Does it matter now? - Think it?
However, when the doctor asked him to height, has been difficult to bear with me.
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Empathise but don't let it depress you Gyuri. I was in hospital two years ago to have bits of my insides removed, nice scar, mail box surgery :rolleyes:

Anyway there was a very old woman, mad as a box of frogs with dementia but very nice. She kept visiting my little recovery room to chat me up :D

I was kind to her and humoured her, she wanted to go waltzing with me, I said sure, why not :eek:

She did not have long left in life but she was very happy about every little thing.

"Life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans" - John Lennon.

Live for the day and live well Gyuri.