My Take on X-BOSOZ

Well Russ,

I'm almost out of space! I think I'm gonna have to order your balanced joshua tree complete kit. It's nice'n small and I think I can eek it in there. Can you guys take cash? (hidden funds:) )

When I finally got everything bolted in my chassis 1 of the boards wouldn't fire up. the 1.5k r's got hot! I immediately swapped all the fets assuming that I blew them out banging them around the garage. I didn't match them but in situ vgs is within .02v.

When I measure voltage just before the op caps to signal ground I get ~52v and ~35v on 1 channel (the one with the new fets) and ~45v and ~45v on the other. This symptom was there with the original fets too. Does anyone think this will present a problem? If so, any ideas where to start troubleshooting?

Transformer question

Russ, Brian,

Before I throw out my question, I just have to give another shout out to you two for amazing work. I've been reading these threads for an awful long time, and the kits are just fantastic.

I'm finally going to take the plunge, but I had a quick transformer question for you guys.

In the picture of Russ' preamp on the recent page, I think I'm seeing a single transformer with lots of secondaries powering both the preamp and the attenuator. Is this the same transformer that's listed with the x-bosoz kit?

If so, is there enough spare power in the transformer to also power the source selector? I'm assuming that the source selector runs off the same voltages as the attenator...

I'm thinking of running all three (source selector, preamp, attenuator) in a single case, and was hoping to save some real estate by using a single transformer.

- Ken
Hi Ken-

That's actually two small Avel trafos stacked up. One is dual 12V and one is dual 30V (for 24VAC and 60VAC for the x-bosoz). Russ is powering his JT by piggybacking off one of the 12V taps from the smaller trafo, which seems to work well. You can then tap 5V off the JT to power the Darwin.

The trafos are not part of the kit, but are available as a seperate item.
Re: Transformer question

tsai said:
a quick transformer question for you guys.

In the picture of Russ' preamp on the recent page, I think I'm seeing a single transformer with lots of secondaries powering both the preamp and the attenuator. Is this the same transformer that's listed with the x-bosoz kit?

If so, is there enough spare power in the transformer to also power the source selector? I'm assuming that the source selector runs off the same voltages as the attenator...

I'm thinking of running all three (source selector, preamp, attenuator) in a single case, and was hoping to save some real estate by using a single transformer.

Hi Ken, actually in the picture its hard to tell, but those are two transformers stacked one on the other.

I am powering everything from those. I took 12VAC from one of the secondaries on the smaller trafo to power the Joshua tree. The voltage is actually a bit high, and the VREG gets warm, but the heatsink on the VREG is much more than adequate so it works out just fine.

The transformers are the same ones we offer on our site. And the setup I have could easily (and probably will) accept a balanced Darwin source selector. The trafo has way more than enough juice.
