My introduction

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Introductions are in order. I am a budding audiophile. I've always had a desire for listening to my music in a proper way, but lacked both the finances and the knowledge to do so. I have been doing some e-research and stumbled upon homebrew amplifiers and speakers and thought that I am now in a better position to build a decent system to enjoy my music.

I'm looking to build a small amplifier and a set of speakers, but my knowledge is limited about what I should build and why. I like the warmth of sound from tube amps, but honestly don't know much about them. I found some speaker designs that pique my interests, but my knowledge of these is also limited.

I have a lot of reading to do to get a foundation so I can ask the right questions. Seems like a nice forum you all have here, and I hope to get acquainted with you better in the near future.
Joined 2001
Paid Member
Welcome to the forum...

poke around, ask questions, look at the picturesm you should start getting a handle of what is doable....

beware that the hobby is addictive :)

... "bet you can't have just one cookie" ...

Start with something modest, what you learn will help you chose an appropriate project for something more ambitious.

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