My finished Aleph 2

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I'd like to thank Mr. Pass for his generosity and time. Also a big
thanks to Kristijan Kljucaric for his wonderful PCB's and directions.
Peter Daniel for overall inspiration. Grey Rollins for his Aleph thread
and interesting writings, and everyone else who contributes to this
Forum, there's no way i could have completed this without this
great little community on the net. : )

I'll give listening inpressions later - i'm waiting to pair these babies
up with my brothers B&W 802's.

here's some pics:


  • aleph2_fr&bk.jpg
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Joined 2003
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Ooooohhh what a nice shiny amp.
Veeeery nice work.
I see you used ceramic isolators for the powerfets.
On what bases did you choose them?
I like the wiring too, simple, wrapped together short and to the point.
Only for the SE inputs, is there no need to use shielded cable?

Great work Moe, I knew you would end up with something like this.

/Hugo :)
i got the insulators from Peter Daniel. Mostly i used them because
they're easy to work with. I wish i could find more!

the heat sinks were a buy off of E-Bay. They are Chatham
heatsinks and measure 19" long 15.5" wide. I see the guy is still
selling them. Email me if you'd like his user name if you can't find
them by search. They are BIG and Heavy!
Thank you for all the kind remarks... to answer a few questions,
these babies are very heavy! I can barely move one by myself,
and not very far.

I'm running normal bias per Kristijan's layout (standard Aleph 2)

The Toroid is a 1K VA Victoria Magnetics with 37v secondaries,
which gives me 45 volt rails.

The caps are from Apex Jr. 68,000uf with 6.8uf filter caps.

The rectifier bridges are just plain International Rectifier
35A 600V parts. They are mounted on the heatsinks between
the Toraid and the Caps. The inductors are the MCM 2mH parts,
they seem to work just fine...

As for layout, i just tried to do what seemed simple. Even with
how big these heatsinks are i was still a little cramped for room!
I omitted an unbalanced input because i'm using my BZLS as
preamp.. just figured i'd go with the balanced inputs. I'm using 1
CL-60 thermistor on the mains for inrush protection (should have
probably used 2 in series, but it did bring down my rail voltage to
below 45 volts) and 1 of the same thermistors between the star
ground and Earth ground.

Alas the B&W 802 series 2 speakers are at my brothers house, so
i'm going to have to lug the amps over there for listening session!
I currently only own very high sensitivity speakers that i've used
with my tube equipment and 10 watt SOZ and ZEN amps. The
Aleph 2's are a bit of overkill for them (Bottlehead Straight 8's).
As soon as i hear them with the 802's i'll report back.

thanks again for the nice words and everyone's help :)

/moe29 (think's Peter doesn't have much to worry about!)
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