My Daughter Killing it with my DIY Killer 360 degree Speakers

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@Hollowboy Since you seem to truly believe the hogwash you posted, then I believe that you would be willing to back your trust in the Boominator and thse specs up with a one on one battle with dB governing rules here in California in an open area with people 360 degrees surrounding her.? I asked legal today if we have relations with a law firm in Australia and, today's your lucky day, they/we do in fact have counsel in Australia who will draw up the paperwork and we can even use an Australia bank?

I would think that Santa Monica would become a lot closer if I made you the same deal as Sonce US$10K. If you don't have it we will accept the title to your car, house or real estate. We may even come to Australia because my daughter wants to perform in Australia and we can write it off on our taxes.

Hence, you wanna be in the lime light to resolve your insecurities? I'll give you the chance. Just let me know if you will take me up on my bet. You lose, you give me US$10k or property worth US$10k. I lose, I give you US$10k.

Waiting to hear how much you believe in your flawed engineering ;)
jtay Join Date: Jul 2014

Posts other than this thread

We can see how you Used to politely ask for info, & thank people too for it in the above ! What's happened to you in just over 2 years ?

If you had continued to ask in the same manner, we could have helped you in All areas, for eg, linking to great www's. Plenty of excellent info/data on ground & connections, which has been available for Years @ Rane

Sound System Interconnection

Pin 1 Revisited

Grounding and Shielding Audio Devices

In other threads, we could have designed a Very high quality mixer, & helped with speaker choice & design etc.

Sure the little RAT is cute & talented, & i wish her All the best :) Shame her dads head has exploded :D

AN is one of the people who helped us design the cabinet and ports. Respectfully, you seem to be one more non-engineer who wants to go by the book to confirm designs which can't be done on new tech - all things have to be calculated..sheep skin radius 90mil plastic, pile cones, etc., etc.

Your understanding of the AN speakers and full range speakers, in general, is obviously wrong. Call AN or the other Full range speaker manufacturers to educate you as I'm not here to educate only to give you a 360 system of which you cab build and/or revise. If you like it, build it. If you don't, I could care less.

So you will have to make one, then test it to prove me wrong. I take exception that you or others would come to a conclusion for something that you don't even know how to calculate.

Am I going to test it for you? No! I'm not going to hold any hands because we have full faith in the highly skilled engineers that helped us along the way. However, if you want proof without building one, come out here to Cali and you can test my unit for free. And, I'l, buy the beer and pizza.

My crap is worth US$10 thousand to you, if you want to man up and take it!

It seems you are another insecure loudmouth. I know a good way to put an end to it. Would you like me to check to see if we have any counsel in your part of the world? I bet we do and we can arrange to make you hang your head in shame. You can find just three or so of my twenty or so attorneys around the world on my LinkedIn profile if you care to inquire with them.

Lets roll!
@turk 183 and @scottjplin

The "egos" are a result of their insecurities of wanna-be engineers who have never amounted to anything in their field of expertise so they have to come in on a friendly board and screw things up for all the real professionals. They have not the first clue about PD and how to take an idea from concept to reality which has been my business for 28 years with over 30 patents and an 80% ratio of success. Hence, people like me don't need to prove anything to amateurs.

I told everyone when I came here. I have limited knowledge in this field and it was a combined effort with at least 10 engineers some of which are experts in the field. And, my only purpose was to give it away with no further involvement. Then, the leaches pulled me in to their sewer. of which I regret and apologize. It will end soon. Because my vacation is over this weekend.
To all the leaches...

Let it be known now....Put up, or shut up! And, if you don't put up after your big talk, you will have lost all cred. If you can't put up, disappear because from this point forward I will bypass your weasel posts.

I have no interest in going back over our 1.5 years of engineering and sharing that data with you, in fact I can't, due to our IP protocol.

Bottom line...If you like it build it. If you don't, STFU! If you don't like the AN drivers, find an alternate driver and post it, but don't tell me about it because I'm not interested! If you don't like the ports, design another port and post it.

Hence, if you want to improve it, all the power to you, I'm sure others here will help you. But I can't due to my lack of time and limited knowledge on this subject (And I won't go back and consult with my engineers) other than on the design as it is now and how I built it which I will more than happy to help with.

Got IT! Take your BS elsewhere and get a life!

That's what this thread is supposed to be for. Not you trying to take your book/calculations and apply it to a new design because it doesn't work that way, engineering 101, which is why I'm employed and own a successful PD company and my prior company IBP | Glass block accents without mortar or mess was acquired by a Berkshire Hathaway (Warren Buffett) subsidiary. Call the IBP sales manager at the number on the webpage and ask him who designed, built and patented all those building products ? Or, just Google "John R. Taylor Patents" Go to my linked-in page. Hence, to the leaches, truth be known, I'm everything you wanted to be but couldn't which is why you have nothing better to do that harass. Enjoy it while you can. I have no more time for you or your BS ! My time here ends this weekend, maybe before because my daughter's performance .

But to all those who have conducted themselves as true professionals, drop me a PM would be happy to stay in touch.

How hard is that to understand? The leaches, I'm sure won't understand :)
@toddD I don't think any of these forums can be civil, because of the many amateur wanna-be engineers trying to make a name for themselves. They need other people's approval to make them feel good about themselves because they have little to no accomplishments in life. These forums can never overcome that personality trait which is why I'm hardly here and will disappear again very soon. And, why real professional engineer types, for the most part, will hardly ever visit these type of forums.
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Disabled Account
Joined 2002
All, sorry to say so but I reported this thread as behavior is very non-Diyaudio like. Unpleasant to read too.

@toddD I don't think any of these forums can be civil, because of the many amateur wanna-be engineers trying to make a name for themselves. They need other people's approval to make them feel good about themselves because they have little to no accomplishments in life. These forums can never overcome that personality trait which is why I'm hardly here and will disappear again very soon. And, why real professional engineer types, for the most part, will hardly ever visit these type of forums.

You are more wrong than you think. You can be the most successful entrepreneur (FWIW) in life but you are not so good in communication and have a too large ego. Calling names to other members does not make matters better. Please leave and take your pink buckets (best speakers in the world) with you.
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i for one think that it's the schiznitz cool, in both use of materials and end result.

good thing some of your patents are in the medical field might need those if your blood pressure gets any higher, don't let the pundits get to you!

oh and thanks for the numerical increase to my moniker...

@jean-paul Sorry to burst your bubble, but employed respected engineers, with a portfolio, typically work 60-80hr weeks which is what I work. No, they DON'T typically hang out on these forums! Unless they're retired, but even then, I know that engineers typically have a low tolerance for BS so they would not spend much time here.

And, I say that with all due respect.
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Disabled Account
Joined 2002
@jean-paul Sorry to burst your bubble, but employed respected engineers, with a portfolio, typically work 60-80hr weeks which is what I work. No, they DON'T typically hang out on these forums! Unless they're retired, but even then, I know that engineers typically have a low tolerance for BS so they would not spend much time here.

You simply are thinking wrong and you are reacting out of context. There seem to be more truths in life that you know of.
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