Music of today

somehow interest to today's music has been fading in me, perhaps because many many very great records have been made years ago, music from my youth and before. For some reason, occasional visit on todays' music usually ends up as bellyflop, either boring or can't relate. Perhaps I'm not looking deep enough as today I've found not one but two albums I liked :D

It is very likely many great albums are published every year drowning in the mass and to help anyone trying to find something they can relate to I wanted to start a thread. A thread dedicated to music released lately for those to explore, who usually linger in the past.

Have fun listening to your favorites, from any decade!:)
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And here is another, wow, modern pop kind of thing I've had no patience to listen to but this one has real instruments and interesting enough compositions so I consider it a great record. Also very hifi sound to me, smooth like butter.

I do not know if this is a good record for the genre, or for today. I hope there is lot of stuff like this on the streets for kids to enjoy and oldies to discover! :D