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Moving Sale (NIB Wavecor SW223, SS 6600, Others)

I am recently relocated to San Diego, and the shift to smaller California homes means that I need to downsize my fleet that I accumulated over the years to better fit downsized housing.

SOLD Wavecor SW223BD02 (x4) - $400/pr
Wavecor SW223BD03 (x4) - $400/pr

ScanSpeak AirCirc D3004/6600 (x2) - $200/pr
* Thread where the tweeters were tested
** I have aluminum waveguides for these (see Augerpro's thread) that can be included for an additional $200/pr

SOLDScanSpeak/Vifa D2608/9130 (x2) - $120/pr
SOLDSB Acoustics SB15NBAC30-8 (x2) - $80/pr
SOLD Dayton Audio RS52AN (x2) - $50/pr

Plus shipping, domestic PayPal is included. If you don't like my prices, feel free to make me an offer. I reserve the right to laugh, though. Most of these are NIB and have been in storage for a while. I'm in North County SD (San Marcos), and I'm happy to deliver within reason (think Temecula down to Chula Vista, but Calexico is not in my travel plans!).
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All PMs currently replied-to. One humorous note: the D2608-9130 are technically not in a box since these come bulk-packed (or at least did when I bought them). They have a styrofoam packing shell (partial tray), and I'll wrap and box them for shipment. I have opened a couple (1ea) of the SW223s, but they've never been mounted or had electricity applied.
I am interested in the ScanSpeak AirCirc D3004/6600. What's the condition and are they still available?

thank you

The faceplates are in good condition with some slight impairment in the finish on the inside of the screw holes -- what you get when you mount them. It's not visible under a typical cap head screw, but there's no way to claim that they haven't been mounted. If you follow the link in the ad to the driver tests, you can see actual performance of the units in question. At least, that was their state before they went into storage for the better part of a decade.