MOSFET Power Follower help

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Hi all!!

I am trying to build a MOSFET power follower run from +12v and -12v batteries. The -12v is connected to a 3A Constant Current MOSFET. The upper MOSFET is biased for 3A. Both are the same type of N-channel MOSFETS.

So I am looking for MOSFETS that are temperature stable, relative high S, low Ciss, and linear to 8v. They also have to handle 35W of dissapation each.

So any ideas for make / model of MOSFETS? Also looking for an easy CCS using a N-channel MOSFET. (thinking something like the Nelson Pass CCS on the Zen Amp.

I will probably let the batteries drain to about 10v before recharge.

Low drifting is a must. The output is DC coupled to the speaker.

I simulated the circuit and it seems to work ok. THD is very low until clipping.

Any recommendations or ideas are welcome!!!

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