More magic stones and hockey pucks

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Well I did a little experiment. I took a pair of ear bud style transducers and hooked them up to a bench style function generator. I used my oscilloscope to verify that they had some output up to 45 Khz.

I then used one of my coaxial speakers, preamp and simple amplifier as shown in old AudioXpress articles to play both FM radio and a CD.

I had two of my young apprentices listen to "A" or "B" at a distance of about 10 feet to see if they could hear any difference. I tried three different frequencies 22, 38 and 35 Khz.

At 22Khz I noticed that there was a very slight change in what I heard. However I was very close to the loudspeaker and the ear buds.

The test subjects noted no difference. This surprised them as when we usually do such tests there is an obvious difference. So the expectation from them was to hear something.

I suspect what I heard had more to do with the way my ears work than anything else.

I will try this again with a bit more ultra-sonic power, as that should also be easy to do.

So if any DIY wishes to try something a CMOS version of a 555 timer set to a 22 Khz squarewave driving a single ear bud placed near the listener might actually do something.
Not beads actually, but bought it for 5 dozen guilders. Of course, that was before the Euro, so it is actually a bit more than you would expect. You see, this tribe contains some clever traders, always in for a bargain. But even then, we didn't want to rip off folks just because they had no paper, and hence no property rights..

You guys could have bought your way to the West, think about it.

From Wiki
On May 24, 1626, Minuit was credited with purchasing the island from the natives (most likely the Lenape tribe [2]) in exchange for trade goods valued at 60 guilders.

See Peter Minuit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Actual money would not really have been of much use to the locals.

The island was actually home to the Iroquoian and Algonquian cultures!
all the neighborhood dogs start barking. It's really quite entertaining in a mad scientist sort of way...

Some of the neighborhood dogs start howling when I crank my guitar up loud. We live near a fire station. The same dogs howl when the fire truck turns on the siren.....coincidence?????

I find this thread interesting and amusing, but you won't find me trying anything like this any time soon. There are too many known ways to improve my system that I know how to do, and can afford.
Cal has the right idea, though. Just place a couple of hockey pucks at various locations in the room.

Here's the one that works for me:
Slice the pucks so they resemble drink coasters and place them around the room.
When the coasters are full, it means you have a good number of friends over.
Now the music sounds better. Partly from damping, partly from mood.

Works every time.

No batteries required :)
Well, I see there is a power switch and a knob. For the benefit of discussion I think it is safe to disregard the Blue LED?

Anyone test the unit's electrical field?

Can anyone say Tice Clock?

Crud, I am definitely working too hard for the paltry money I make.
I need to make one of these in silver.

Oh wait, that might make a faraday shield. Unless... unless, unless...
That's IT!
The silver case will radiate Actinic Energy!!

I shall capture the market!

Btw, iirc my school taught history, the Algonquins were especially fond of smashing their enemies heads with stone-ended clubs... and iirc the Iroquois and the Algonquins frequently fought with each other over things including territory... seems at the time, there was not enough of that to go around. Ha.

Bear, the designer is an atomic physicist and he has several published book and papers. Look him up.
Given your and my personal opinion on wires, I am surprised that you do not give this guy a break, and at least measure one. I am fairly sure that a field can be measured with RF equipment.
Bear, the designer is an atomic physicist and he has several published book and papers. Look him up.
Given your and my personal opinion on wires, I am surprised that you do not give this guy a break, and at least measure one. I am fairly sure that a field can be measured with RF equipment.

RF? I guess we have been barking up the wrong tree. Please elaborate on the two years on a single battery, how do you know when to change the battery?

BTW, In Germany a degreed person would always use the Dr. in his name.
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Jan, could you look up Holger Stein for us, as you speak German fluently and are closely located. All you have to do is to connect the books and papers attributed to Holger Stein physicist with the guy who is selling the product in question. By the way, he is bald, middle aged, and quiet mannered, as I met him in person.
sooo picky...

RF? I guess we have been barking up the wrong tree. Please elaborate on the two years on a single battery, how do you know when to change the battery?

BTW, In Germany a degreed person would always use the Dr. in his name.

RF, AF, HF, UHF, VHF, picky picky picky.... they're all just "lil thingies wigglin around some", aren't they?? probably doesn't matter what tree, it'll work regardless... kinda like those little colored dots and green felt tip markers...

Holm, Holmes, Hager, Holger hmmnnn... better check the sources there JC

I am having fun with the topic.
It may well be that he has come upon something that influences the sound field in an unexpected way. That would be interesting if true.

I am always hyper skeptical of things that connect to nothing in the system directly.
And are not clearly going to effect the direct or reverberant sound field in some possibly sensible way.

Someone could open one up and see what's in it...

Otoh, I have heard some Bybee thingies on a power cord have a definitively clear effect on what was heard on headphones simply by moving it on the power cord...

AX tech editor
Joined 2002
Paid Member
Jan, could you look up Holger Stein for us, as you speak German fluently and are closely located. All you have to do is to connect the books and papers attributed to Holger Stein physicist with the guy who is selling the product in question. By the way, he is bald, middle aged, and quiet mannered, as I met him in person.

Hi John,

Sorry, but I have no idea what the books and papers of one Holger Stein have to do with the bogus claims and explanations for this device.

Surely you wouldn't suggest that we should take this more serious because the manufacturer has a friend who is a physicist?

(Hint: remember Richard Feynman's advice ;))


I'll do it for you after half a dozen pages of Google I got "Though the maker, a failed physics student named Holger Stein"

Fortunately I don't think they mean the middle English meaning of the word physic.


Me thinks he hath stretched the truth a bit. :)

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This sums it up...
(from Any audiophiles out there? - Page 5 - Rolex Forums - Rolex Watch Forum)
Originally Posted by Atl
This is what I am talking about, I have to create one of these products!!! And sell it!! Putting thinking cap on now.
I wrote and sent this letter to the editor of Stereophile after reading the Harmonizer review. They printed one of my sarcastic letters in the past, so we'll see if this one sees print.

Dear Editor,

Reading Sam Tellig's review of the Stein Music Harmonizer (September 2011) gave me a great idea for a new audio product. I immediately ran down to my room in the basement and invented the world's first quantum audio enjoyment modulator, the Schrödinger Harmonic Imaging Transducer (**** for short.) My new product mystically yet scientifically harnesses the phenomenon of quantum entanglement to both improve the music-listening experience and conversely at the same time, not affect it at all.

My **** instantaneously causes (or doesn't) a sudden release of dopamine and selectively inhibits the reuptake of serotonin in the listener's brain. It works across the entire expanse of the universe, resulting in a morphine and amphetamine-like rush in the brain. Audio equipment sounds better and music is more satisfying. One could even say the veil is lifted. Of course, the same effect occurs in every experience and with every product in the buyer's life, but I figured I'd market this **** to audiophiles first, because as you know, they'll buy anything.

There are a couple of problems I have yet to address. Because the effect of quantum entanglement occurs instantaneously and universe-wide, only one unit is really required to improve all of the stereo systems on Earth or any other planet. I initially thought of selling shares in a single unit, but now I think I'll just advertise to audiophiles that they need two for each listening room. Who will know the difference, and even better yet, who will objectively test the ****? No one. Second, if someone ever opens the unit to look at the inner structure, there is a 50/50 chance that it will stop working upon being observed. I might be able to turn this into a marketing bonanza, however, in that the audiophile will have to buy another unit to replace the observed one.

I anxiously look forward to the Stereophile review of my ****. In the meantime, I'm off to the basement to work on my newest product, Quantum Turds. They're a bargain at $150 per turd (sold in packs of six) and I guarantee you'll either hear the difference in your audio system.....or you won't.

Mark Lindquist, MD
Medical Doctor and Amateur Physicist
Detroit Lakes, MN USA
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